
39 3 10

This is her girlfriend, Ari. I really do love her more than she could ever imagine. I never ever wanted to love a girl but look what happened. Now I can't stop thinking about her, kissing her, hugging her, loving her. I don't ever want to lose her but I might. I seriously hope not but yeah. Screw science for not making a teleportation device. I just want to love her for eternity. I want to scream "I LOVE YOU" from the top of my lungs but I'm afraid someone will hear. I'm afraid people will know how I feel. I hate the fact that every time people know how I feel, they take advantage of me. Like my stepmom. Like my ex. Like society. I guess all I can do is say it and ignore other people. Screw them too. I LOVE YOU BABY!!!! And people who hate me for if need to shut their stupid faces.💖😍✌🏼️

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