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today i got told that my best feline friend died.  his name was Wizard i love you wizard. i miss you. im just happy your not in anymore pain. i just wish you and my mom didn't get hurt. Thank you wizard for adding joy to my life and my sisters life. i don't know what they will do with out you buddy. you have taught  them a lot. Mr.Thug life 3>  you will be missed dearly.

 i just cant believe he's gone. i lost my cat Hannah and it was hard but she had it worse. I hate losing animals just as much as i hate losing people i care about.

 Most of you guys know what i mean. Either you dated me or you are just really close to me. I'm not a really open book. some parts of my story can be told others have to be told. I have a lot of secrets. most i want to remain untold. i rant a lot i yell a lot i don't cry a lot but when i do i end up apologizing. 

Thanks guys for  reading my rant. I really needed to vent 

Night People   

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