Chapter 1: A New School Year

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Okay! The begging of a new age in skylah13's stories. •-• they gonna be Gale stories unless you want me to write another ship. Bye. See you at de end of da chapie!

POV:Levy McGarden

I woke up with an weak headache. "Damn already the end of summer, felt like the last day of school yesterday." I yawned. "LEVY ELZA MCGARDEN!GET THE HELL UP!" My mother yelled. "Okay, okay. I'm up." I said. I got out of bed and went to take a shower.

I sat down at the dinner table and munched on a poptart. "levy hurry up your bus is going to be here in 30 minutes." She smiled. I gobbled down the rest of my breakfast and ran out the door.

POV:Gajeel Redfox

I woke up to my cat Lily clawing at my face. "I'm up ya damn cat!" I sat up. I took a shower and got dressed in my schools stupid uniform. I looked at the clock. It was 15 minutes before the bus picked me up. "Shit! Gotta go Lily! Bye!" I trailed off out of my small apartment.


I stopped at a corner of a street with a whole group of what looks like middle schoolers. I seen what it looked like my only friend Gajeel. "Hey Gajeel! Over here!"I jumped up and down wave my hand for his attention.He ran up to me," Hey shrimp. I see that you haven't grown at all over the summer." He chuckled patting my head. "Haha very funny." I stranded in my tip toes trying to pat his head. "Hey look here comes the vehicle that leads us to hell!" He joked.


They both got on the bus trying to annoy the hell out of each other and waiting for the bus drop them off.

It toke about an hour to get to school. They both walked up to the schools front door.

End of chapie 1. Lol I did the most terrible job of writing. XD I hope ya like it bye!

WAIT IMPORTANT NOTE! I will be updating this every week for now on.


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