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One year later

Maddie's POV

Today was crap. I just got fired from map job in chipotle and now I'm pretty much broke. I applied for a job in five guys but I basically just got dodged because THEY SEEN MY DIRECT MESSAGE!

I don't think I'm able to cope living in my own. I've just moved out of my parents house--and country. Maddie is 20 years old and has saved up enough to move to Texas where her 'celebrity' crush lives.

I pick up my phone. Unknown number.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hello, this is five guys. You tweeted us saying you would like to apply for a job?"
It's about time!
"Oh, um, yes that was me." I say trying not to sound too exited but not too un-enthusiastic either.

After about an hour on the phone doing, basically, an online interview, I was hired. I started Tuesday. Tomorrow.

I went to bed at 10:30 that night when I had all my stuff ready for tomorrow. I told them I had a job at chipotle before so I knew what I was doing.
I woke up that morning to my alarm ringing in my ear. It was 8:30. I start work at 10:30.

I have a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, do my teeth and then go out to work. It's 10:00 and it's a 10 minute drive to work.
I get there at 10:22.
My boss  gives me a paper and pen and shows me how to use the cash register, and gets a really kind girl called sally to help me for the first hour.
After about three hours I'm just done my break.
Then I can't believe it.
I cannot believe who just walked in those doors.
Preston fudging Arsement

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