Rose Petals in the Wind Story Ends

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Rose Petals in the Wind (End)

By: Cutegirlmayra1

(Okay, so for reals now, this is the end. -telling myself this too, lol- I really was shocked at the comments I got from readers too. I'm happy you all had so many feels! And be prepared, there are plenty left! Haha! In this rap-up of a chapter, I hope you'll cry, swoon, and rejoice with are favorite characters! Thanks for reading! And please read many, many more of my Sonamy stories~ I'll try not to disappoint! ^^ )

Shadow weaved in and out of the forest, Sonic right on his tail the whole while long. The night was young, and so was the energy, but Amy just kept looking back to Sonic's determined face. 'Is he really... trying to save me... for the right reasons..?' she tried not to doubt him, but the events of this odd day had her swimming in heart break. Was the Wind going to reclaim his friend? Or was he going to reclaim his true love? Either way, Amy wanted to get off of shadow's shoulder, the position was killing her stomach!

"Offph! Okay, Shadow. We had are fun and laughed about it. Now I think it's time for me to-"

"Hush, he's gaining on me..." Shadow took a quick look back, seeing Sonic bounce off and use the tree's to gain momentum on Shadow. "Tck, he's really stubborn..."

"Well, we want him to get me,.... Right?" Amy looked at little confused and slightly suspicious at Shadow. While hoping it was just Shadow getting the better of Sonic, Amy tried to lift herself up off his shoulder for a moment, but the second she did she was instantly flown off by the wind power of Shadow's dash.

"Amy!" he called back, moving to a halt and skidding as he tried to turn around.

"AHHHH!" Amy screamed as she was about to hit the ground with a lot of force.


She closed her eyes, and suddenly felt two arms embrace her. She opened her eyes, and she was spinning within a blue spin dash attack. Sonic landed on the ground with a, "Phew, Close one." as he wiped off some sweat from his head. He then looked kindly down to Amy, "You alright? Little rose?" he teased.

"S-Sonic..." Amy felt like she was falling in love all over again, why did he have to be so cool?

"Amy..." Shadow slowed in front of the two, looking a bit disappointed in himself. "Why did you do that?!" he angrily spit out. "You could of gotten yourself serious injured.."

Amy was about to respond but Sonic flung an arm out in front of her, after standing up and facing Shadow. "It's not really your concern about Amy's safety,... it's mine." he stated firmly. "And besides, Amy's loyalty to me is uncanny, she probably just wanted to get to me. She's gutsy like that, and although I don't always like her getting into trouble so much..." he rolled his eyes back to her, making her look down in embarrassment. "As long as she needs me, I'll always be there to catch her when she falls."

Amy's mind raced back to the story she had created, about the Wind and the Rose Petals, she felt Sonic had rewritten the middle of the story. Where the Petals had fallen, but this time, the Petals were saved. Her heart rejoiced silently as a fresh new smile came to be on her face. "Sonic... I'll always need you..." she whispered, mostly to herself but hoping Sonic could hear her.

"...I know..." was all Sonic said, before turning around with a matching grin on his face to hers.

"I know."

Shadow clinched his teeth, but then seemed to calm down as he let a sigh come out. "Heh, foolish creatures. You don't know when to stop hurting each other, cause you keep healing yourselves as well... an endless cycle. How is it anyone can live in this continuous round of joy and sorrow?" he asked, keeping his head down and eyes closed, a unwilling smile on his face.

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