chapter 7

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"Okay guys, the rules are... You only have 3/ three passes and if you pass you get the second option... Okay so who wants to go first?" Edward asked after explaining the rules.

"Okay, Alice truth or dare?" Rose asked her and she thought it for a second and...

"I think I go with dare" she said Rosalie smiled an evil smile.

"I dare you to dye your hair orange, and now" she said and Alice stood up and went to the bathroom and we all followed. Rose gave her the orange dye and she started to dye her hair.

"Alice, why don't you pass, you will still have two more passes" I said, cause she really looked like she was about to cry.

"No, I can do it" she said and I looked at her as she dyed her hair orange. We waited until she was done, she looked... Like a doll.

"So how do I look?" Alice asked and I was surprised that everyone didn't say a word, they just stared at her like she just grew another head.

"You look, like, ohh God how do I put this?... You look like the doll I had when I was 5" I said and everyone busted out laughing. And she just narrowed her eyes at me but I slightly smiled at her.

"Come on guys its not that bad" she said trying to atop everyone from laughing at her. Once everyone was done laughing their buts off, we got back to the game.

"Bronte truth or dare?" Emmett said to me and I smiled a little. I have to take my time thinking about this one cause I mean, I don't wanna end up having orange hair, in stead of my black one.

"Truth" I answered and I was a little not sure about my answer to him.

"Who is the most good looking guy in the house?" He said, while winking at me and I let out a short laugh.

"Seriously? I think Jasper is the best looking guy around here" I said and I could see him smiling or should I say blushing, well from how I saw him it was like he is blushing.

"Jasper?, are you blushing?" I asked and everyone laughed at what I just said, but I didn't.

"No!" He shouted trying to stop his brothers and sisters. "Okay, okay jokes over" he said and they all stopped laughing and back to the game, again.

"Bronte truth or dare?" Edward asked and he had a crooked smile on. Why me?

"Ohh boy, not again... Dare" did I just say dare? I guess I did.

"I dare you to drive Emmett's Jeep, but just drive it out to the road, from the driveway" he said and I looked at him in horror. I was so not having a good feeling about this.

"No! I mean I don't know how to drive and its, its illegal, I'm under age" I said trying to put an excuse.

"And she is not driving my car!" Emmett looked like he was about to cry. Yeah I know the feeling.

"Sorry Emmett, I have to do this... And I'll pay for the damages, just don't kill me" I said.

"If only I could" Emmett said while glancing at Jasper, who was glaring at him. How confusing is that? Edward led me to the garage and handed me Emmett's car keys. I walked towards the Jeep and got in the drivers seat. I started the car and I just thought it was time to give Edward a taste of his own medicine. The plan was to crash Emmett's Jeep on to Edwards Volvo. I mean I know the feeling, the feeling of loosing your car.

I drove slowly, like I was scared or nervous. I passed the Porsche, I slightly screeched Edwards car, on the passengers side. Then I stopped the car and looked at him and pretended to be sorry.

"Sorry Edward and Emmett I think I will pass" I said they both got in their cars and drove off. They both looked pretty furious.

"Do you think they are mad at me?" I asked, I mean I know they are but, they will get over it.

"No, they are just vexed" Alice answered and I looked up at Jasper who was staring at me.

"What?" I asked him and he snapped out of it.

"Nothing, just thinking" he said and I looked at him like he just grew another head.

"About?" I said and gestured for him to continue.

"Nah, its just nothing, actually I can't wait" he said and went in the house. I was left with a confused look on my face.

"Alice don't you think its time for me to leave?" I asked and she looked at me, with a sad smile.

"Okay, get in the Porsche" she said opened the door for me, the back seat. Rose and Alice sat up front and I was at the back. We pulled off the driveway into the road and started driving. Work by Rihanna was on and Alice turned the volume on and we sang along with it, we sang louder than the radio. We danced to it and, it was so, so much fun.

After Alice dropped me off. I cleaned the house, which took forever. When I was done I got in the shower and I made it quick since I only had 1hour left. When I was done, I had to wear like a bad girl but my glasses never made me look like a bad girl, they always made me look like a bad girl wanna be. I donned in, black tight skinny jeans, black tee-shirt that had a skull on it, a leather jacket and high ankle boots. I put my hair in a high ponytail.

When I was done I got a text from Peter...

From: Peter
We are waiting out side... Are you ready yet?...

I took my phone from the night stand and went downstairs. I turned the TV off. I locked the house and shoved both my phone and keys in my pockets. Then I walked towards the car that parked on the driveway...

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