Chapter 6

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Alex P.O.V

Why's he being so... nice to me? It makes no sense, usually they would laugh in my face not tell me they cared and then the hug, it gave me butterflies that were still fluttering around my stomach. I know I'm gay but I've never felt that way with another person before, it felt so right and when he touched me I felt like electricity was coursing around my body, I know it sounds cliche but it's true.

I'm not popular but I do have a few friends like Zack and Rian, also I sometimes hang out with Kellin, Vic, Josh, Oli, Austin, Alan and a few others but we only fool about by being stupid and telling silly jokes to past the time in lessons and just generally in school. I think that I've seen Jack before hanging out with the same people but I dunno, I hope so because then I might get to see him more often and get to know each other better... Wait I sound like a lovesick schoolgirl with a major crush on a popular guy, omigosh kill me now. I see Rian come towards me grinning his pearly white teeth showing, I smile back at him, probably blushing because of my last thought, and wave "Hey Ri what's up?" "I just asked Cass on a date and she said yes!" he cheered I gave him a high-five and wished him luck before making my way to geography.

Jacks POV

I got into the classroom with a minute to spare and sat down next to Kellin and Oli who were chatting about this new girl in the year below us "She has blue hair dude! It's fricken awesome" Kellin exclaimed "She was wearing your merch so you probably have a chance with her" I butted in smoothly he turned to look at me going bright red "Really? Ohmigod that's amazing! Wait how did you know she was wearing my merch? What's her name?" he said quickly I chuckled at his eagerness but then though back to this morning when I saw her arm, I shook the thought off and turned to Kellin "Dude slow down! I'll tell you what happened at lunch or something." he nodded and we both looked up towards the teacher. As I looked up I saw the door open and then none other than the girl with blue hair came through the door looking nervous to say the least, I glanced at Kellin whose jaw had dropped and Oli was laughing at him, she went to the teachers desk and was talking quietly to him for a minute or so. I turned my attention back to Kellin who was telling Oli to fuck off and blushing because of something he said I giggled at his reaction and turned back to the front interested in what was happening since she was a year younger than us for sure "Class listen up we have a new student here who has been moved up a year because of excellent grades"she blushed and hid her face behind her hair "please introduce yourself" Mr. Daniels continued "My names Siam and I just moved from England that's about it" she said voice quiet and shaking with nerves "Well if you take a seat next to one of the boys over there I'm sure they will help you out" he said pointing in Oli and Kellin's direction before telling us to turn to page 394 in our books.

While we got to the right page Mr. Daniels started calling out the register managing to pronounce Siam's name wrong "It's pronounced Si-am sir" she said clearly annoyed with him but eh who could blame her? I would be annoyed to. Kellin said something to her that I couldn't hear all I could see was her blushing and replying "Hey Kellin leave her alone she doesn't need to be harassed by you" I tease them both "Hiya Jack" she says blushing Kellin looked between us two clearly confused that we knew each other, Siam seeing his confusion explained that we got on the bus together and we were friends. The lesson went really quickly and mostly consisted of Kellin and Siam flirting and me and Oli pretending to gag but we couldn't deny they would make a cute couple a bit like me and Alex would... Woah did I just think that but I'm straight aren't I? "Your eyes are really pretty" I overheard Kellin say I think Oli did too since we both rolled our eyes at them before Oli jumped into the conversation "So when are you two gonna get together because Kellin mate if you don't make a move I'm gonna steal her away" he winked at her making her go bright red before he continued "Besides she's probably missing English lads like me and Josh" she looked confused before saying "Who's Josh?" Kellin and I laughed since we both knew he was Oli's boyfriend "Wouldn't you just love to know" Oli said smoothly winking at her yet again with me and Kellin practically dying of laughter "You two stop laughing and get on with the work at once" Mr. Daniels bellowed we managed to calm down and finish the work before the bell went and everyone left the classroom me and Oli still gagging over how Kellin was acting around Siam.

(A/N here's another little chapter for you, I know I'm in it a lot but it will make sense later on trust me!

Not that jalexy but if you squint you can see some. I swear! Also look Jacks starting to doubt his straightness :3

Sorry for the shortness but it's easier for me than to write like 3 pages or something and also I'm finding it easier to write in Jacks point of view so yep that's about it.

Oh wait one more thing should I start naming chapters after different songs and song lyrics instead of just what chapter they are? Comment what you think cause that will help me out on making my decision.





See ya next time! Stay wonderful ~ Siam xx)

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