Chapter 9

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Kellin POV (A/N ooooo new point of view ;) )

Siam is a pretty smart girl, even though she was a year below me she was in all of my classes because she was good at stuff, the only ones she wasn't in was art and maths. After her fourth day at this school we became really good friends and told each other everything. People already started putting her down though but I always look out for her and defend her because well... I like her, like really like her and she likes my band as well I know because when we do gigs around town I see her, even before she came to this school since I've been crushing, or obsessing over her as the guys put it, on her since I first saw her last year at one of our first gigs.


I jump up and down getting myself pumped for the first ever gig, it was at a small club but it didn't matter because we finally got booked. From side stage I could hear the host "Please welcome onto the stage Sleeping With Sirens!" he clapped and ran off stage, Gabe ran onto the stage going to the drums and started playing a beat, next Justin and Jack went on strumming some chords, I grabbed my mic and ran on stage "Hey guys we're Sleeping With Sirens!" I shout out to the crowd were screaming and cheering at us "Ok this first songs called If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn" more cheers came as I started singing, I scanned the room looking at our audience my eyes locked on one girl with electric blue hair jumping up and down with the music, another girl next to her with short blond hair turned to talk to her she nodded to whatever her friend said and smiled looking up at me and saw I was staring at her before looking down again her friend elbowing her in the side. I finished the set with a cover of Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls

And I'd give up forever to touch you

'Cause I know that you feel me somehow

You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be

And I don't wanna go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment

And all I can breathe is your life

When sooner or later it's over

I just don't wanna miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me

'Cause I don't think that they'd understand

When everything's made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming

Or the moment of truth in your lies

When everything feels like the movies

Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me

'Cause I don't think that they'd understand

When everything's made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me

'Cause I don't think that they'd understand

When everything's made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am

And I don't want the world to see me

'Cause I don't think that they'd understand

When everything's made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am

I stared at this girl the whole time singing this, she looked up at me every few minutes before looking down again, I probably gave her the creeps by staring but I enjoy looking at beautiful people so I will. I finished the song and looked to the crowd "Thank you guys you've been amazing! Goodnight!" I shout into the mic before walking off the stage with the rest of the guys behind me we went into the crowd to try and meet some people and hope to gain some new fans, a few fans gathered round us chatting asking for pictures and photos I chatted to a few people who seemed pretty cool and nice, I looked around the room scanning it for the blue haired girl but she must have left because she was nowhere to be seen. I sighed suddenly feeling deflated and said bye to the people I was talking to then walked out of the club and went home dissapointed that I didn't get to talk to the blue haired girl

~End of flashback~

Zack POV

Jack and Rian decided to come over to vist me since I moved a few months ago and I barely get to see them even though they only live half an hour away, it's probably because we had a lot of school work and shit like that but still I missed my best buds and I couldn't wait for all of the gossip, oh god I sound like a teenage girl...

The doorbell rang and I ran down stairs as fast as possible before swinging open the door to see them "Hey guys! Come on in" I say gesturing inside the house they walked in and started talking at the same time, I was having a hard time keeping up with everything they were saying so I resorted to the only thing that I could think of "GUYS SHUT THE HELL UP!" I shout they both jump and look slightly dumbfounded I laughed at them and said "Shall we sit down and the talk... one at a time maybe please thanks" we headed up to my room and sat down on the three bean bags on the floor "So um Jack you go first?" I tell or kinda ask him he nodded

"Well uh it's great to see you Zacky" he said sticking out his tounge I stuck mine back out at him and laughed before he continued "ImetareallycuteboyandIthinkImightbegay" he said quickly and I barely heard what he said

"Wait what?" Rian said after Jack said... well I dunno what he said and niether did Rian so we just stared at him, he took a deep breath

"I met a cute guy and I think I might be gay" he said looking down, me and Rian looked at each other before Rian jumped up grinning and doing a dance while I was still sat there like what the fuck is happening "Um Rian what the hell are you doing?" Jack asked looking concerned for Rians sanity

"I knew it!! I knew you were gay!" he cheered "I could tell when you were staring at Alex!" he stopped dancing and turned around slowly staring at Jack "OH MY GOD YOU LIKE ALEX DON'T YOU" he shouted, Jack turning bright pink

"W-what w-who said that?" Jack said his face going even pinker Rian gave him the 'don't fucking lie to me you twat' look "Fine maybe a bit... kinda a lot" he admitted, Rian squeeled, like literally squeeled and started jumping up and down before awwwwing and saying how cute they would be.

"That's awesome Jack" I say grinning at him after Rian finally shuts up "So have you asked him out or...?" he shook his head and let out a sigh

"Nope I only figured out I liked him... How can I ask him out? I want it to be cute not like weird or something." we all thought for a moment before brainstorming for the rest of the day before finally getting an idea and making a plan of whats going to happen.

(A/N ehehe sorry for this it's really bad /.\ I've been feeling bleh this week so yeah.

There should hopefully be another chapter out next week

Sorry about how bad it is I've literally had no time since the holidays over so now I have to go to school and do homework and all that jazz >.<

Oh also if you haven't seen I'm going to put a new story up soon so maybe check that out now and see if you might like what it's about.





See ya later! Stay wonderful ~ Siam xx)

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