Awful Memories

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Killian's P.O.V
Ice cream in hand, Emma and I walked down the windy street, side by side. This morning we had stopped by Elsa's parlor to grab a rather unhealthy breakfast. "Ya know what?" Emma barely got the question out, her mouth full off birthday cake ice cream. "What is it love?" We continued to walk down the side walk. "Storybrook's been quite different lately." She waved her plastic spoon in the air as she said this. I chuckled a little to myself, seeing her like this. "How so?" I could tell she was deep in thought as she looked off somewhere in the distance. "There's not a crisis happening right now. Not one." I thought about this a second myself. Had this small town finally managed to become somewhat normal? "I mean think about it!" There she was, waving her spoon in the air again. God I love her so much. "We just walked all the way to get ice cream and back! With no interruptions!" Now she was looking at me with her big, green eyes along with her jet black eyelashes. Her long, blonde hair fell over her shoulders, uncontrollably. I couldn't help but smile. She did the same, but a hint of confusion. "What?" She looked at me, intrigued to know what I was thinking. "Oh, nothing darling. Just funny the way you act sometimes." She rolled her sweet eyes at me, that same grin still spread across her face. We walked a little bit more, talking about Henry and her parents. Emma insisted that we had to get new curtains for the living room. She said they reminded her of when she was... you know... The Dark One. I know what Swan doesn't like and that's one of them.
Our sea side house finally came into view. Ice cream still in hand, I unlatched the lock and opened up the white picket gate for her. Instead of entering, she stood still. Not one muscle being moved. Frozen like ice. "Emma?" I asked in a shaky voice, noticing something extremely off about her. Her eyes had gotten big from worry, her face reading disbelief. She wasn't looking at me, oh no. She was looking over my shoulder. I glanced at her before looking behind me, expecting to see something completely awful. But no. Aways down the street was a man. Tall, probably 6'1. Dirty blonde curls escaped his black hood and dark skin peeked out from underneath his sweatshirt. He stood there, looking straight at Emma. This strange man was a ways away from us, so if he was harmful, he wouldn't be able to do anything. The weirdest thing about him was his smile. His smile was so creepy it channeled chill bumps all the way down my spine. It wasn't a sweet smile, no. One that would defiantly haunt you in your night mares. "Killian..." She placed her shaking hand on my upper arm, causing my breathing to exhilarate. "We need to go." With that, she grabbed the hem of my jacket and began to run. We were sprinting and sprinting, all the way back to her parents apartment. Emma never looked back and neither did I. I didn't ask any questions until our out of breath bodies reached the door to the Charming's apartment. "Swan... spill." My hands were on my knees, still breathing heavily. She was still shaking, back against the wall. Eyes glued to the wall in front of her. "We need to get inside and then we'll talk." She opened up the door to her parents apartment, a gaze still set over her face. "Hey, guys!" Her joyful as always parents stood by the sink. Once we were in and they noticed the expression on Emma's face and her shaky hands, their mood completely changed. "Sweetheart, what happened?" She immediately ran to her mother, arms wrapped around her neck. "Mom he's here..." I could hear her voice crack as she said those words. My confused expression still lay upon my face. Who was here? Who was that man? Meanwhile while I was trying to figure what in the bloody hell was going on, David also became worried. "Emma, you don't mean..." Swan pulled away from her mother. "I do." She looked deep into her fathers eyes. I was still so fucking confused? What the hell did he do to Emma and why the hell was he here? "Look, I don't mean to barge in or anything, but what in the bloody hell is happening?" Emma looked at me, eyes filled with water. Her mouth opened to say something, but nothing came out. Instead, she bolted up the stairs. "Emma, wait!" I yelled after her and began to run up the stairs as well when a firm hand hit my chest. "I wouldn't do that." It was David. "Well what do you want me to do, mate? Just let her sit up there alone? Huh!" I was getting angry now. The hot bubbles were rising up in my core, getting ready to burst out. "Sit down and we'll tell you everything you need to know. Let her have some space for now, this is NOT gonna be easy on her." He pointed up the stairs as he said "her" in a quiet voice. I reluctantly spun around and plopped down on the couch, frustrated. Snow was pacing across the floor, obviously unsure of what to do. "C'mon honey, come sit down." David motioned for Mary Margaret to come sit down in the opposite chair from him. She did. They both released a deep sigh at the same time. Mr. Charming was the first to speak. "That man you two saw..." I could tell he was struggling to get the words out, but I didn't care. There was no exception here. I NEEDED to know who the hell this man was. "Please David, spit it out." I said this in my best "I'm angry, but trying very hard to hide it" voice, which (thank God) worked on David. Closing his eyes, he said, "Charlie. Charlie's his name. He raped Emma." I sat there in utter silence. He did... he did what? How... when... WHY? My mind was surely going to explode from questions and confusion. "I can't... when? When did this happen? Was I here?" I was on my feet now, looking down at Snow and Charming. "Settle down Killian. And no, you weren't. This was before you even knew Storybrook was a place." David was standing face to face with me and I backed down. "Can I please talk to her?" I pleaded him with all I had in me. He moved out of my way so that I could go up to Emma. I thanked him through eye contact and ran up the stairs. I stopped at the top, hand on banister. She was sitting on the bed, looking out the bedroom window. Her hands were still shaking as they slid up and down her thighs, making a sound against her jeans. My heart automatically melted, seeing her like this. My Emma, who was always strong and independent, like this? I was somehow able to hold in my tears. I sat down on the bed beside her, hugging her tightly. She hugged back even harder. My face buried somewhere in her hair, hers on my shoulder. "It's okay to tell me." I felt her head slowly nod against my shoulder. She pulled away, tears lightly falling down her cheek. I quickly wiped them away with my thumb. "Emma..." I absolutely hated seeing her like this. It completely made me want to kill the man who did this to her. But I knew I couldn't do such thing. "Emma, look at me." She did. Her green eyes met my blue ones. "You don't have to worry anymore, okay?" I could feel a lump forming in my throat, but quickly pushed it down. In order for Swan to feel safe, she needed to know that I was strong. That I would never leave her side no matter what. "He's not gonna hurt you anymore." I whispered this sentence into the air. Maybe she heard them, maybe she didn't. I'm pretty sure she did though. She then kissed me. Not caring that her parents were downstairs. Not caring about one thing. I kissed her back. Probably more then I should. I just wanted her to know so badly that whatever had happened between her and that man would never happen again. Not as long as I was alive.

Emma's P.O.V
I held Killian's face in my hands as I our lips dance around one another's. I didn't care anymore. Sure, I was scared for my life because of Charlie. He was here now and there wasn't anything that wouldn't completely demolish my fear of him. But right now, I had a man who loved me. I had a man who treated me like a woman should be treated and cared for. And just because some jack ass from my past decided to show up in town doesn't mean he's gonna ruin my future. This was my life, and I decided what happened in it.

Killian and I lay side by side in the loft in my parents apartment. There was no way in hell I was going back to our house, not while Charlie was still here. Not that I didn't trust Killian with my life, it's just I felt better with everyone together. Also, there was the chance of something happening to Killian and we weren't gonna have any of that. "Emma?" My head now rested on Hook's chest, his breathing lifting my head up and down. "Yes?" My voice was hoarse from crying earlier, but I was doing better. Killian drew little circles over and over again on my arm that was draped across his stomach. "Will you tell me what happened? You don't have to if you don't want to. I was just curious." I could tell he was going easy on me, trying not to spark anything. "It all happened so fast." I could feel him tighten his grip on me and pull me closer, so nothing could touch me. "I was walking up the apartment stairs when somebody grabbed me from behind and dragged me down the stairs. I went flying against the wall, which knocked me out. When I woke up the next morning, I was bruised and cut all over. I didn't remember a thing after I knocked out, but I knew exactly what had happened. My parents were out of town at the time so the only person I had to go to was Regina. So, I stayed at her house for a few nights letting everything heal. My parents were back in town in no time and everything was back to normal. I told them everything that happened. After a few weeks, nothing had happened and I hadn't seen anything else. Then one morning I was out watering Snow's garden and the same thing happened. Only that time I remembered." I couldn't go any farther tonight. I didn't know it until now, but I guess I was crying. Tears were rolling down my cheeks like ocean waves. I turned over on my side, my back against Killian's chest. God I had cried so much the last few hours it was crazy. Killian had seen enough and I didn't want him to see much more. Me turning on my side didn't do anything. He just curled around me, intertwining our legs together. I felt him kiss my cheeks many times, over and over. He leaned over my ear and kissed that before whispering something in my ear. "Close your eyes, love. I'm right here and not leaving. I love you so very much, Emma." With one last kiss on the neck, this one lasting a little longer, he leaned over me and turned out the lamp. Our bodies fit perfectly together. That night, I fell asleep knowing that as long as I had everyone with me, especially Killian, everything was going to be okay.

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