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Killian's P.O.V
Dr. Whale flung the back door of the hospital wide open, shoving the stretcher inside, Emma laying on top of it. I kept pace with the man as he sprinted down the hallway, yelling,
"Coming through, pregnant lady here!"
The whole time we were making our way towards an empty room, I made sure my eyes were glued on Swan. Her face was twisted with agony and pain, little tears falling down her red, hot cheeks.
Emma's voice rang throughout the small hallway, causing everyone to stop what their were doing to get a look.
"Okay, get her in, NOW! We don't have much time to waste here. This is a very dangerous pregnancy. And on top of that, she's 5 months early."
The doctor handed my wife off to a team of nurses, each one of them in matching scrubs and things over their mouths.
As I started to follow them into the room where they were taking Swan, I felt a surprisingly strong hand pushing on my chest.
I glanced down impatiently with my brows borrowed, ready to punch whoever had the audacity to hold me back from making sure the only woman I ever loved was okay.
To my shock, a small, petite woman stood in front of me.
"Sir, I apologize for the inconvenience, but you may not be present during such operation."
The lady spoke to me in such a way, like she's practiced those lines over and over again in her head.
"Are you positive I can't be in here? Just to make sure she'll be alright? I swear I won't cause any trouble."
I held my hands up in defense, quickly realizing I was getting nowhere. The girl just looked at me like I was a complete idiot, trying to argue with the big dog.
She started to slowly push me out of the door, step by step.
"Sir, I won't tell you again. I'm going to need you to step out of the room. Now!"
Her last shout pounded in my ears, followed by the door slamming in my face. I eased myself away from the room, already getting pissed.
"Dammit, why won't they let me in!"
As I began angrily whispering to myself, I started pacing up and down the hallway, unsure if there was anything else to do.

Emma's P.O.V
Pain increased in my small stomach. Small. The thought of being 5 months early danced around in my mind, causing my heart to almost explode out of my chest. These kids meant everything to me, the family that we were supposed to have. Killian didn't deserve any of this, not one bit. He was gonna be a father, a hell of one too.
Wait, where was he?
"Mrs. Jones? Are you doing okay? You're sweating a little more than usual."
Pushing away my thoughts about my husband, I focused on what was important. I gathered up the energy I had left in my body, using it to glance over at who said my name.
Finally registering what the nurse said, I regrouped myself enough to make words come out of my mouth.
"Uh yes... yes, just a little nervous."
I felt my eyelids fall, unable to hold themselves up any longer.
"Get her in room 23B, NOW! This woman could be in serious danger, GO GO GO!"
Yelling and swinging me around only made my head begin to throb, adding on to the mountain of agony.
All of the sudden, I felt strong, sturdy hands slide under my back. More than two. Four maybe? Slowly, I felt myself being elevated into the air.
"Get her on the bed, don't throw her down."
After a few seconds, my body weight was held up by the hospital bed.
"Emma, can you hear me? If you recognize my voice, I need you to take 3 deep breaths and brace yourself. We're about to begin."
I sucked in oxygen and let it out more than 3 times, realizing the next chapter of my life had begun.

Killian's P.O.V
I had been told to take a seat more than 10 times now, not sure how much of this I could take. These chairs felt like splinters were running up my ass, and it was hotter than hell in the lobby. I kept glancing around the room, occasionally leaning over to take a peek down the hallway. I had no idea where my Emma was, the stress building higher and higher every time I thought about it.
After about 6 more seconds, I knew I'd had enough. I was going to find Swan and no one in this damn building was going to stop me.
"Sir? Sir, this is the last time I'm going
to tell you!"
Before I knew it, I was on my feet, speed walking as fast as I could to the front desk.
"Listen, missy. I respect you and all, but I need to find my wife. Now. If you don't tell me, I will run around this hospital butt naked until you do."
I could feel the anger rising in my voice, the concern growing in my chest.
I let my eyes stay glued on the receptionist, her face turning paler by the second. Finally, something snapped. Her hard eyes turned annoyed as she let her face fall into her hands.
My head popped up, almost positive I'd heard sound come out of her mouth.
"Excuse me, what?"
She looked at me with a face that said "I'm done with you".
"I said 23B! God, don't you listen?"
I could feel the woman losing her patience by the second. Good thing was, I didn't care what happened to her now. I'd got the room number. After quickly thanking the girl, I was off to find my Swan.

Emma's P.O.V
"Mrs. Jones? I'm gonna need you to open your eyes for me, hon. You passed out during your pregnancy, but it's time to wake up now."
Words. Sentences. Sound. It all bounced around in my brain until I actually understood what the small voice was trying to convey.
After about 10 seconds, my eyes somehow fluttered opened.
Looking at the nurse, I could tell she'd been doing this for a while. Her face was stern yet soft, her voice meaning business. I silently prayed in my head that she was the one who delivered my children.
My children.
Oh God. 5 months early. The horrifying thought hit me like a train this time around. All of the sudden, I felt my stomach start to churn, my eyes growing panicky.
"Ma'am? Hey, where are my babies?"
I forced the sentence to come out of my mouth. I had this desire, this connection, in my heart to know if they were okay.
The lady looked at me, sad wrinkles forming across her forehead. For a second there, she let her eyelids fall, then brought them back up.
"Two of your children are perfectly healthy. The other one... the other one is on life support right now. You birthed two beautiful girls and one handsome boy. Unfortunately, one of the girls is having some major issues. I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make sure you go home with three healthy babies. You might just have to wait a while longer."
I felt my breath hitch in my throat. Two girls... one boy. One girl on life support, other healthy.
For right this moment, that was all I could piece together. Right when I thought I was about to pass out, dark hair caught the corner of my eye.
His voice.
His accent.
I knew.
He'd found me.

Killian's P.O.V
We sat there for more than 10 minutes just holding each other. There was no way someone was pulling us apart now. I'd finally found her, thank God.
"Hey, babe?"
I could barely hear her muffled voice against my shoulder.
"Yes, love?"
I felt Swan take in a deep breath before speaking.
"You know about our kids, don't you?"
Hearing those words come out of her mouth made my heart absolutely shatter into a million pieces.
"Yes, darling. I do. Everything's going to be fine, don't you worry."
I tried to put as much hope and love into my voice as I could, knowing deep down that I couldn't promise anything.
Footsteps pounding against the tile floor into our room immediately broke my thought bubble.
I reluctantly let go of Emma, turning my back to her to see who'd come in the door.
An African-American lady stepped through the door, a huge smile on her face.
"Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, your three healthy children."
My heart stopped.
What'd she say?
Someone behind her rolled in a cart in with a huge blanket in it, three little bodies laying on top of it.
"Oh my God!"
My attention turned back to Swan, her hands covering her mouth, tears welling in her eyes.
"Alright, I'm not sure if you want to hold them
yet because their sleeping, but here you go. Enjoy."
The African-American lady, her name tag reading Tanya, wheeled the cart over to Emma and I, holding three of the four most precious things I'd ever seen in my life.
I peeled my eyes away from our gorgeous children. The two girls were absolutely beautiful, and the boy, well, he looked like me. That should explain it all.
"Yes, darling?"
I started into Emma's eyes, searching for something. I found love and happiness. Tears filled her eyes as a smile filled my heart.
"We did it."
She looked at me with those big, emerald eyes.
"Yes, Swan. Yes we did."
I pressed my lips against her, passion passing through us. I was more than ready to start the next chapter of my life, especially with the woman of my dreams and the three miracles.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my fan fiction. Unfortunately, this will wrap up all of it. Don't worry, I'll be back soon🙃❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2017 ⏰

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