Episode 1 ~ The First Turnabout

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A/N I couldn't help myself hehe. Oh, word is the pre-thoughts of a case, testimonies and whatever else,  ''word'' is speech, 'word' is what you're thinking, in the story of course. oh, and they are sexual references now and again. enjoy~

*gasp*... *gasp* ...

Dammit! ...Why me?

I can't get caught... Not like this!

I-I've gotta find someone to pin this on...

Someone like... her!

I'll make it look like SHE did it!

August 3, 9:47AM

District Court

Defendant Lobby No.2

'Etro, I'm nervous,' you muttered, rubbing your hands together.

''[L/Name]!'' a deep voice said from behind you.

You jumped and looked behind you. A tall man with long silver hair and piercing green eyes stood about a meter away. He wore a white dress shirt with the top two buttons undone, black dress pants and shoes. His name was Sephiroth and is currently your boss as well as mentor.

''Oh, h-hello, chief,'' you greeted, shrinking under his intense gaze.

He smirked, ''You've got guts [l/name], a murder case as your first trial. I'm impressed. It's says a lot about you... and your client. I look forward to see how this plays out.'' Sephiroth's praise wasn't exactly comforting to say the least, but this is what you would get.

''Thanks, I guess... But actually, it's because I owe her a favour.''

''A favour? So you knew the defendant before this case?''

''Yeah, best friend actually. I kinda owe my job to her, she's one of the reasons I became an attorney,'' you answered truthfully.

''Hmm, that's news to me. But make sure to stay calm, a personal relationship can throw even the best into a frenzy,'' your mentor warned calmly.

''But I want to help her any way I can! I owe her that much...'' you trailed off knowing how much she's helped you in the past. Especially when you've got in trouble or bullied for being a freak.

''Let me guess, something to do with that special skill of yours,'' it was more of a statement than anything.

You jumped, shocked that he had guessed so easily, ''H-how do know?''

''Your easy to read.''

You pouted but quickly stopped when you heard a female's cry. ''It's over. Oh Etro, it's over! My life is over!''

''Is that your client screaming over there?''

''Yup, that's her,'' you stated. If it was any other person, you'd be worried, but this was her. Your best friend had a tendency to be dramatic.

''Death. Despair. Ohhh! I'm gonna die,'' the black haired girl cried.

''Sounds like she wants to die,'' he stated without emotion which creeped you out a little.

''Um, yeah,'' you sighed.


''Hey there, Yuffie.''

''[nickname]! Did I do it? I did didn't I? It's all my fault,'' Yuffie exclaimed.

''Wait, what?! What's wrong Yuff?'' you tried to calm her down while Sephiroth didn't have a care in the world.

[F/Name] [L/name] - Ace Attorney         }{Final Fantasy + Kingdom Hearts}{Where stories live. Discover now