Episode 3 ~ Turnabout Brothers Day 1: Investigation

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A/N so I finally got round to this, I tell ya, what takes the longest is making the cases fit haha. at least it's fun. anyway, the next few chaps are gonna be long due to the case I'm using.  also, any talking that doesn't say who's who simply alternates. one section is one person, the other the other person. that being said, enjoy~

Brrring... Brrrrring...


This is Vanitas, what you want?

Hello Vanitas, it's me.

Braska, what's up? You haven't called in a while.

Sorry, I've been so busy. How you been?

Bored as always. And it's all YOUR fault. Nah, I'm just teasing. I've been good. Finally happy at having my own place.

That's good to hear. Actually, I'm calling because I have a favor to ask.

I know, I know. You want me to hold evidence for you?

Sharp as always!

No, your just obvious.

There's a lot of buzz about the upcoming trial... I just don't feel safe keeping the evidence here.

I gotcha. So, what is it this time?

It's... a clock.

A clock?

Yeah, it's made to look like that creature, a 'Moogle'. And it tells you the time! I thought you might like it. You always liked toys.

Hey! I'm not a little boy anymore, old man!

Now, now. You know I'm only teasing. Ah, I should probably tell you, the clock isn't talking right now.

Huh? It's not working? How lame.

I had to take the clockwork out. Sorry. I put some papers inside it instead.

Papers? Is that the evidence, then?

Hmm, well... there's a possibility that it might turn out that way, yes. Can you come by the office tonight, say 9:00, to pick it up? I'll be in a pre-trial meeting until then.

Okay, old man, but I expect dinner! Something good! Like... burgers. I could really go for a good burger.

Okay, okay. We'll hit the usual joint.

Alright, your on. Okay, old man, see you soon!

Yep. I'll be waiting, Vanitas.
[Conversation recorded.
September 5, 9:27 AM]

September 5, 8:57 PM
Summoner & Co. Law Offices

Now, Mr. Summoner, I'll take what's mine... the papers.

I'm sorry, but I can't give you what I don't have.

Mr. Summoner, you are a poor liar. Why, I see it right over there... That must be the 'Moogle' that swallowed those papers.

How could you know...?

Ho hoh. You are not aware of my background? Gathering information is my business, you see.

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