Episode 4 ~ Turnabout Brothers Day 2: Trial

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A/N okay, before you read this, you may wanna check out the last chap if you haven't already. I forgot to add some afterthoughts for Vanitas and Axel. plus, can anyone think of a better cover? anyway, hope you enjoy~

September 7, 10:00 AM
District Court
Courtroom No. 1

''The court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Vanitas Hikari,'' announced the Judge.

''The prosecution is ready, Your Honor,'' the charming man across from you stated and you couldn't help staring.

You noticed the sandy brunet smirked in an amused manner as the Judge tried to break your reverie. He just had to be the prosecutor; your bad feelings never lied. ''Miss. [L/name]!'' the bearded man finally shouted.

''The d-defence is, um, ready your Honor,'' you blinked as you felt Sora tense beside you; Sephiroth on the other hand was sat in the audience with Riku surprisingly.

''... Miss. [L/name], do you have another problem with the prosecutor?'' he asked just as curious as the first time.

'This is only my second case...'

''I knew meeting you would come back to bite me in the arse,'' you grumbled at the man across.

''And that offer is still open even now. It's such a pleasure to see you again so soon, [name]; though I wish I didn't have to go against someone as delicate as you,'' Balthier chuckled.

''Keep on wishing,'' you said dryly.

''Oh, you've met before? You seem to have a lot of run ins with prosecutors Miss. [L/name],'' commented the Judge.

'It's my SECOND case!'

'Balthier Bunansa... So this guys the feared 'Judge'. With how Sora's acting, I think it's true. I'd better not show any signs of weakness today, or he'll be on me in an instant.'

''Mr. Bunansa. Please give the court your opening statement.''

''Thank you, Your Honor. The defendant, Mr. Vanitas Hikari, was at the scene of the crime. The prosecution has evidence he committed this murder... and we have a witness who saw him do it. The prosecution sees no reason to doubt the facts of this case, Your Honor.''

''I see. Thank you, Mr. Bunansa. Let's begin then. You may call your first witness.''

''The prosecution calls the chief officer at the scene, Detective Flynn! Witness, please state your name and profession to the court.''

''The name's Axel Flynn, got is memorised?'' he smirked before continuing. I'm the detective in charge of homicides down at the precinct.''

''Detective Flynn. Please, describe for us the details of this murder,'' your rival spoke in a cool, professional manner.

''Very well. Let me use this floor map of the office to explain. The body was found by this window, here.''

''And the cause of death?''

''Loss of blood due to being struck by a blunt object. The murder weapon was a statue of a Moogle found next to the body. It was heavy enough to be a deadly weapon in anyone's hands.''

''The court accepts the statue as evidence,'' informed the Judge.

'They're still calling it a "statue"...'

Floor plans added to the Court Record.

''Now, Detective...'' Balthier began.

''Yes sir?''

''You immediately arrested Mr. Vanitas Hikari, who was found at the scene, correct? Can you tell me why?''

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