chapter 1

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A/N: Just want to start by saying that this is NOT a story chapter, like I said it'd be on the bottom of the last one. Then I want to say I'm lying. And it's short as hell, but it starts us off. Here ya go.

Chapter 1: Crime Wave

Security Guard Mike Schmidt sat in his office, pecking at his laptop, lazily surfing the Internet. After Foxy's "break out" 3 days ago, things were finally beginning to return to normal. Well, not normal normal, seeing as Freddy and the others no longer were trying to kill him, but that was a most welcome change. A very loud bang caused Mike to jump and whip his head to the open left door. He couldn't see anything, but a faint chuckling was heard.

"Damn it, Foxy, knock it off!" Mike yelled out, causing the chuckling to get louder. Mike, irritated, poked his head out the door to glare at him, but was met with empty hallway. Confused, Mike turned around to see Foxy standing inches from him, staring intently at him.

"SKREEE!" Foxy screeched and then immediately broke into hearty laughter when Mike launched backwards and fell into the hall.

"Jesus, Foxy, just give me a heart attack, why don't ya!" Mike glared the fox, hand over his pounding heart.

Foxy paused and frowned, eyes narrowed in thought, "A wha'?" he asked Mike.

"Nevermind. What do you want?" Mike asked, calming down.

"I jus' got it, lad," Foxy said happily, and resumed his amused chuckling.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Mike said, shooting a glare at the pirate, who grinned back.

"What are you guys up to?" Chica suddenly asked from behind Mike, once again causing him to start and back into Foxy with a "God damn it!" Foxy starting laughing again as he caught Mike.

"Blazes yer jumpy, Mike!" Foxy mocked, setting Mike back up on his feet.

"And I blame you guys for it!" Mike shot back, glaring at both Foxy, who grinned again, and Chica, who glared back.

"Not my fault you're a sissy," Chica said, crossing her arms.

"How do you guys even do that?" Mike asked.

"Sorry mate, pirate's secret," Foxy said.

"Oh, like hell," Mike replied, "Sneaky bastard."

"What's this thing?" Chica asked, walking over to Mike's laptop.

"My computer," Mike explained, "Hey! Don't mess with it!" Mike grabbed it from Chica as she lifted it up to examine.

"I can't afford to replace this thing, not yet. That's why I took this job in the first place," Mike explained, carefully setting the computer back down.

"What's it do?" asked Chica, and Foxy turned to, also curious.

"Kinda hard to explain really," Mike admitted.

"What's it fer?" asked Foxy.

"I dunno, I look up stuff with it," Mike said awkwardly, not wanting to start a class.

"What kind of stuff?" Chica asked.

"All kinds. Look, do you guys need something?" Mike spat, irritated.

"Whoah, alright, settle down, Mr. Happy. We'll leave you alone," Chica said, and left. Mike stared at Foxy.

"Well?" Mike asked.

"I still wan' ta' see what it does," Foxy admitted, crossing his arms stubbornly.

"Fine. I've been using it to follow the news," Mike said, clicking onto the local news station's website, "There's been a lot of break ins recently, and I want to see if there's any new developments."

"Break ins? Ya mean robberies?" Foxy asked, interested.

"Not exactly, nothing's ever really stolen, but stuff gets spray painted, broken, stuff like that," Mike explained.

"Never heard o' raidin' things withou' stealin'," Foxy observed, "Wha' kinda places ge' broken inta'?"

"Places with a lot of controversy, which worries me," Mike replied, "That jewelry place where the owner did stuff for the mob, that fake therapist's office, the dentist that went crazy and switched people's teeth, that kinda thing."

"Why are ye worried?" Foxy asked.

"Well, look at this place. Those children, the Bite, all the missing night guards," Mike listed off.

"The guards aren' missin', they're back in uniform. Don' move much, though," Foxy noted. Mike shuddered.

"You know what I mean. I'm worried we'll get broken into next," Mike said, "And remind me to never go backstage."

"Lotsa' people don' like it," Foxy agreed, "But why wou' ye be worried? Yer the guard."

"That's exactly why I'm worried," Mike said, "I'm not exactly... brave."

Foxy snorted.

"Shut up," Mike shot, "Look, I'm gonna make sure the door's are all locked."

"Suit yerself," Foxy said, turning and walking back to Pirate's Cove. Mike followed, checking the emergency exits, the main entrance, Pirate's Cove's emergency exit, and the side door by the Main Stage. He ran into the other animatronics, and exchanged the usual "How are you" pleasantries, still awkwardly adjusting to being able to do so. Even after checking all of the doors (except Backstage, which he asked Bonnie to do) and ensuring they were all secured, Mike couldn't shake his nervousness. He still felt like Freddy Fazbear's might be next.

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