chapter 2

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Mike's suspicion that Freddy Fazbear's would be the next target was, in fact, correct. The group responsible called themselves "The Union," as they felt like they assisted those who were wronged by businesses and companies, albeit with methods that wind up doing more harm than good in costing said businesses thousands of dollars. Poor economic views aside, the mysterious team of vigilantes had wanted to save the best for last.

Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria had been on their radar since the group was founded by its leader, Travis Flynt, a young man who had lost his job to what he felt was corporate greed. He had soon amassed a few followers, young people that also lost their jobs, and together they used their combined talents to get up to no good. The team consisted of Travis, his second-in command Faith Watanabe, their recon man Richard Clark, and Paul Young, the oldest, who lost his job as a locksmith, so he could open almost anything locked. They also had a new guy, Edward, who was upset with "the system" in general, and this would be his initiation to see if he could handle himself. The main reason the target, simply known as "the pizzeria", was last was because it had the strictest security, with a night guard and a pretty hefty office from what could be gleaned from daytime recon. The group also learned that the entire restaurant was wired with security cameras, and that the doors were always completely locked, especially the door that they believed led to the valuable animatronic parts backstage, which had no less than three heavy padlocks.

Richard frequently observed the guards' patterns, and it was always the same: arrive right before midnight, and leave exactly at six in the morning. Sometimes the guards went missing, not leaving the building in the morning, but they were always replaced before night fell. Recently, one of the guards managed to stay almost a month, so they assumed he was here to stay. Although The Union could never figure out why, they had suspicions that something sinister might be going down after hours, since the guards that did leave the next morning usually seemed to have been run ragged. Faith, The Union's second founding member (and Flynt's girlfriend) wanted, more than anything, to figure out exactly what happened during the night. And tonight was the night to find out. As Travis's van rolled out into the empty streets, none of them were prepared for the answer.

Mike was fed up with Foxy's constant antics, and the jump scares were getting really old. It seemed like any of the appreciation from several nights ago had completely faded away, since the fox hassled Mike to no end. After almost throwing himself off the stage and breaking his neck, Mike decided to face the problem head on, and confronted Foxy in Pirate's Cove.

"Foxy, we need to talk," Mike called through the curtain.

"Abou' what?" Foxy asked, poking his head out.

"You constantly trying to scare me," Mike replied, crossing his arms.

"It's jus' a lil' bit o' fun," Foxy replied, confused why Mike was so upset.

"Your, 'lil' bit o' fun', is really starting to get to me," Mike retorted.

"Oh, don' be such a sissy," Foxy replied, "It's no' like I'm gonna eat ya."

"Maybe not, but I just found that out a few days ago," Mike replied, "I still can't sleep well, I still jump at every sound, it's gonna be the death of me, and you're making it worse."

Foxy paused, thinking, before replying, "Alrigh', I'll stop."

"What? That's it?" Mike asked, surprised at Foxy's lack of stubbornness.

"Aye. If it's really tha' bad, I'll leave ya alone. I'm still grateful fer tha' other day," Foxy replied.

"Doesn't seem like it, but thanks, I guess. Kinda thought I'd have to fight you or something," Mike admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

another night at freddy's: night 2Where stories live. Discover now