chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The Night Goes On

Travis slammed the right door shut again, watching Chica stare at him through the window. It had been one hour since he, Paul, Richard, and Faith had been constantly under siege in the office. They had several close calls, and the animatronics were getting more aggressive. Chica herself had started to linger longer and longer behind the door before finally giving up and wandering around. Foxy had sprinted towards them twice, one time almost managing to reach his arm through before the door closed.

Freddy had been watching this all from around the restaurant, and was starting to become a little bit frustrated. With four endos loose, it was harder to catch them unaware, so for now, he had to rely on the power failing before putting things back in order. The robots were also starting to become concerned about Mike, since he hadn't woken up yet, and between rushes on the office, Chica, Bonnie, or Foxy would check on Mike in his new spot on a couch in the restaurant's lobby. Freddy was more focused on directing the others, mainly from the Main Stage since he could see the two hallways all the way to the end. Seeing Foxy walk back to Pirates Cove, scowling, Freddy frowned. If they were going to put those four back into uniform, they would need a lucky break.

"Man, if we're gonna have enough power, we'll need a lucky break," Paul said, as he watched the percentage dwindle on the tablet.

"Do you think they keep extra batteries or something?" Faith asked.

"I don't think it works that way, but they've got to get that power from somewhere on site," Richard said.

"Well, then why don't we look for it?" Faith asked.

"If it's outside the restaurant, no way, they blocked off our entrance in the kitchen," Travis explained, "and besides, how would we find it without attracting them?"

"We'd need someone to go alone," Richard explained. A heavy silence fell over the group.

"Well, not me, I gotta look at these cameras," Paul told them, holding up the tablet.

"Screw you Paul, you chicken shit," Faith said, "Anyone can do that!"

"No! I got a system!" Paul defended.

"You know, it wouldn't hurt to be a little bit selfless, Paul!" Travis shot, and the three of them exploded into argument. Eventually, Richard had enough.

"Screw it, I'll go! You all owe me," Richard told them, and stood up to leave.

"Alright, be careful, man," Paul told him, and went back to watching the cameras, "Coast looks clear."

"Right," Richard replied, and snuck out into the hallway.

Foxy waited behind the curtain, fiddling with his hook in annoyance. He had decided to wait a little longer between rushes, and just skip the whole "peeking out" process altogether. He could hear the group arguing with each other down the hall.

Sounds like mutiny, Foxy thought, and poked his head through the curtain. But whatever the problem was must have been sorted out, since the yelling had stopped. Foxy shrugged to himself and went back into the curtain, twisting his hook around in his good hand. He was just about to throw open the curtains and charge, when the sound of careful footsteps sounded going by the curtain, and a shadow passed by.

What in blazes? Foxy thought, and slowly leaned out of the curtain again. One of the endoskeletons had left, and was sneaking down the hall, as if searching for something.

Well, that makes things easier, Foxy thought with a grin, and left his curtain, following the group member. The two continued slowly down the hall, Foxy watching unnoticed with a grin as the endo opened the door to the janitor's closet, swear quietly, and continued on his path. When they reached the Dining Hall, Foxy's target dropped down low, and crept behind the chairs and tables. Chica noticed him, and looked at Foxy questioningly, who shook his head and pointed to himself. She shrugged, and wandered down the West Hall, passing the returning Bonnie. Bonnie also looked at Foxy, and had to smother a laugh as she saw him point to one of the endos he was lurking behind, before nodding and going to tell Freddy on stage.

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