chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Hello Mother, Hello Father

The next morning, Mike decided it would be best to check with Arianna, the manager, to clear his parent's visit with her. It wouldn't affect whether or not they came anyway, just whether or not Mike would be paying for it.

"Arianna, I wanted to ask you-," Mike started, walking into her office.

"No," she replied, not looking up from her paperwork.

"But I-," Mike began again, flustered.

"No," Arianna interrupted again, penciling in notes on a document.

"Alright, fine, it's on you then," Mike told her, and walked out of her office. Arianna watched him leave, and shook her head, returning to her paperwork.

"Yes, Schmidt, I'm sure it is," Arianna muttered to herself.

After his "conversation" with Arianna, Mike decided to swing by the security office. Knowing full well that his parents would be judging him, the guard began to clean up the mess that had accumulated. He never cared about cleaning it when he feared for his life, and even less when he feared for the animatronics' existence. But now, Mike scooped the pile of garbage off the desk and into the trash, before using the end of a broom to get rid of the cobwebs.

The odd pictures drawn by kids and faded poster were still tacked on the small corkboard on the wall, so Mike covered them up with some of the artwork Bonnie made, to help brighten the office a bit. Plus it had the potential of being a calming way to break the news.

Satisfied his office would pass his mother's inspection, he quickly slipped inside Pirate's Cove to have a few words with Foxy. The fox sat, powered down, on the treasure chest onstage, but Mike knew that he could still here and see what was going on. The guard sat down across from Foxy, making sure that he could be seen.

"Hey Foxy," Mike greeted, "So... Um... Listen, I know you're excited to meet my parents, but you got to keep yourself under control, okay? You're... scary. Just, be cool." Mike sat awkwardly for a moment, letting his words sink in, then rose up and left, heading home to try and get some sleep.

Several hours later, Mike was on the bus back to the pizzeria. He wanted to be early in order to prepare, but unfortunately didn't get the chance. In the parking lot, there were two cars, and the janitor was leaving in the other one. What was left was a small SUV, and Mike could make out two figures inside.

Great, they're early, Mike thought unhappily as he walked up, but plastered a fake smile anyway. He tapped onto the driver side window, and his father looked at him, and smiled.

"Hey there, champ!" Mr. Schmidt exclaimed happily, and opened the door, "Surprised?" Mike nodded,

"Oh yeah, I'm surprised," Mike said honestly. Mrs. Schmidt walked around the front of the SUV, and hugged Mike.

"Mikey! It's so good to see you!" she said. Mike returned the hug awkwardly.

"You too, Mom," Mike replied. Mr. Schmidt put his hand on Mike's shoulder.

"Why don't you show inside? It's kinda chilly out," he said, and Mike nodded, leading the way to the front door.

After stepping through the main entrance, Mike was a little bit grateful his parents came early. That would give him time to give them the tour without worrying about Freddy or the others. It had been years, maybe even decades, since Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt had been to Freddy Fazbear's, and it showed.

"Kind of dingy, don't you think Mikey?" Mrs. Schmidt commented, wrinkling her nose.

"A little. This place's been having a hard time," Mike agreed. Mr. Schmidt nodded.

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