chapter 5

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Epilogue: "Roommateys"

When Mike returned to the restaurant for the start of his shift, he came early. There was a note on the door, and a rentable moving truck parked in the parking lot. The guard grabbed the note.


Truck Foxy to wherever the hell you're going to put him once your shift is done. You have that truck for a week. Don't take it as a kind gesture, you'll need it because you're still the guard. Don't mess this up.


Mike sighed once he read it. Of course he was still the guard, but at least he had the truck. He crumpled the note up in his hand and unlocked the main entrance. The door to the Kitchen had "No Entry" sign posted on the front, and the door was discolored. Mike opened it and looked inside.

The back wall was charred black, as were the ovens and cupboards that had been caught in the fire. Some of the appliances that had apparently escaped damage were gone, and Mike assumed they were already in Pirate's Cove. Foxy was most likely not going to be happy.

Leaving the devastated Kitchen, Mike headed for the Cove to see what was up. There were still several minutes before the animatronics entered free roam, so the guard had time to get a non-biased opinion. The curtains had been taken down, leaving the new interior exposed. Extension cords ran out of the opening, stretching along the wall and connecting to several outlets scattered throughout the restaurant. The inside was still really dark, and Mike couldn't see much more than a few large silhouettes from what had to be the equipment from the Kitchen. But Foxy couldn't be seen. Curious as to what happened to him, Mike grabbed his flashlight from the office and switched it on, panning the beam around the large, dark room.

The stage hadn't changed, the treasure chest was still there, but a lot of the floor space was covered by stuff from the Kitchen, with appliances, counters, wires and tubes quickly jury-rigged to work in the space. Mike kept searching, and finally found Foxy. He was in the corner furthest from the door, and covered with a drop cloth, apparently to keep him from creeping out the workers. The guard yanked it off, tossing it to the floor, and headed to the Dining Hall to meet the animatronics once they reactivated.

Soon, Mike's watch went off, signifying it was now midnight, and Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica climbed off the stage.

"Hey guys," Mike greeted. Freddy nodded seriously.

"Hello Michael. What's the situation? What's going on to Pirate's Cove?" Freddy asked.

"They're using it as a temporary kitchen until the main one gets fixed," Mike explained.

"What about Foxy?" Bonnie asked.

"Yeah, here's the thing-," Mike began, but fast clanking footsteps cut him off.

Foxy ran angrily into the Dining Hall, clutching the drop cloth that had covered him in his good hand.

"Wha' do they be doin' to me cove!?" Foxy demanded, "Wha' be the meanin' of coverin' me up?"

Foxy started tearing the drop cloth to pieces furiously.

"Foxy, relax, alright? I need to tell you something," Mike said, dodging flying pieces of fabric. Foxy stopped and looked at him, still scowling. Mike continued.

"They're using the Cove as a temporary kitchen, and they're taking you out of it. But the thing about that is-," Mike once again tried to explain.

Foxy eyes widened.

"Wha'!? They're gettin' rid o' me!? Those dirty, rotten, bilge drinkin'..." Foxy annihilated the drop cloth, and Mike tried to get his attention.

"Foxy, calm down, they're not getting rid of you!" Mike shouted. Foxy paused halfway through biting another piece of cloth in half.

another night at freddy's: night 4Where stories live. Discover now