Chapter 12

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Ronald, being a jealous idiot, as chained our wrists together. He doesn't want me go off and flirt with William. Telling him about the engagement maybe wasn't the best idea. I think the fear of him dying is hitting him had. As soon as I marry William, I get his soul and he will be gone.

"Anna, do you possibly want to hang out later?" Grell asked, coming up to me. She saw the chain on mine and Ronald's wrists. "What is happening here?"

"Anna is my property- I am making that clear" Ronald pointed out. I looked away from both of them. I am starting to hate reapers. Not William, of course, just the ones like Ronald.

"She doesn't look very happy Ronald" Grell said. She took my hand "and the chain is giving her a rash!" I have had these on since last night when Ronald claimed me. My wrist is starting to get very sore. Maybe I should just give into Ronald and ignore Will. But I love Will.

"Will asked me to marry him" I told Grell. A smile grew on Grell's face. She looked generally happy for me.

"They aren't engaged" Ronald declared. I snapped at him.

"Yes we are!" I yelled. He pulled on the chain on my wrist, pulling me close.

"No you're not" he had a very dark aura around him. He was scaring me. I have never seen a reaper so angry.

The day was long and awful. I am dreading the night time. Ronald has been very vicious. He told Alan and Eric (two reapers that aren't really that important to this story) that he was keeping me in my place. "A woman should behave herself." He told them. If I wanted too, I could hurt Ronald so much. Why do contracts tame me so much? What if I? No I can't do that. That would make Ronald realise he's hurting me though.

"Ronnie?" I ask, getting his attention. "Do you still have you training sickle?"

"Yeah, why?" He asked. What do I say now? I can't tell him what I am going to do. He won't let me do it if I tell him.

"No reason, just curious" I told him. Did I just lie? "I need it." No I didn't. Damn it. I wish I could lie.

"Why?" Ronald questioned. How do I change the subject?

"It doesn't matter, are we going home?" I tried to sound eager. William I am sorry for what I am going to do. I have to do it. You can't save me if I am chained up. Ronald has full control over me.

"Someone is eager. Can you not wait for me?" He smirked and winked. I forced a smile to respond to him. "Well I guess if my lady wants my body, I cannot deny her it." I smiled but inside my head I was shooting myself.

I waited for Ronald to fall to sleep before starting my plan. His sickle was under the bed-only just in my reach. I am about to do something very stupid. I hope it works.  

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