Chapter 14

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14th December 1890

Dear Journal,

Should I say journal or diary? Does diary make it seem a bit silly? Oh I don't know. Anyway, Ronald has changed. He's finally the Ronald I know and well just know. He is nursing me back to health personally. He told Grell what I did and the two of them both agreed that William isn't allowed to know. I might tell him just to annoy them. Ronald has been skeptical around me though. He has to double check everything he says and does before he does it. He doesn't want to upset me, it's kind of cute.

I am, obviously, back at work. William doesn't know what happened so I can't not work, can I? I was thinking about telling Will, but does he really need to know? He won't let me work if I tell him, and yesterday he told me I can come with him to collect my first soul. He gave me a trainee sickle and everything. He's turning me into a reaper and I'm okay with that.

Love, Anna.

15th December 1890

Dear Journal,

So he took me out to collect the soul. I did really well. I am enjoying this reaper stuff. I kind of wish I was a reaper now. It's strange though. As I collected that soul, I couldn't see a thing for a few seconds. This is maybe an issue. Wait... Is it possible for a demon to be turned into a reaper? If so I am in trouble. I can't become a reaper. That's terrible. I'm not collecting any more souls now.

Love, Anna.

16th December 1890

Dear Journal,

So this thing called Christmas is coming up and I'm supposed to get people presents. What is the point in presents? I've never given them before and I've never been given any before. Why should I do it now? I am a demon not a human. What is Christmas anyway? Is that when the humans sit and worship that fat God called Santa? He's the one that eats all your cookies and drinks your milk isn't he? Why worship someone who eats your food? Wait can't he fly? Reindeers... They can't fly, are you actually kidding me? I'm not getting any one a gift if they don't get me one. Well I might give Will, Undie, Grell and Ronald one. Undertaker can have a joke. Grell can have a red scarf. Ronald can have a pair of socks. Will can have- Yeah, I aren't telling you Will's gift journal. If someone reads you, I don't want them knowing what I am giving Will.

Love, Anna. 

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