Chapter 24

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William's point of view:

I can't believe Anna ate them souls, she's been told not to eat souls- told her myself. I suppose I will have to tell the higher ups about this. She's going to be in trouble but it will be my fault. What will I do then? If I go to the higher ups I will be told off as well. They don't know I married Anna. They weren't very happy when I let her work for us; imagine how they react to that. What do I do?

I told them. I can't do what I have been told to do. They want rid of her. They want her dead. She's "too much of a threat to us." They want me to kill her. I can't do it. I just can't. She is my wife. How would you feel if you had to kill your spouse? Love is going to get in my wat. In the past I would have killed her in a heartbeat, but I fell in love with her and married her, now I will never be able to do my job.

Anna sat down with Edward in her arms. She looked very beautiful. How can I do it? If I kill Anna then what happens with Edward. She turned to look at me and smiled.

"Hey love, back from work early?" She asked. I nodded. My face had turned emotionless and Anna could tell something was wrong, but she smiled anyway. I sat next to her. "He's sleeping" She whispered. Why must I do this? I think I may lose my job if I don't. I'd rather lose my job than kill her- but if I lose my job, she will get attacked and I won't have the power to stop it. We will be broke. I decided, I have to do it, even if it costs me my own life.

I decided that Edward was to stay with either Ronald or Grell. This house is not to be touched by anyone accept Edward- That is a rule. Anna thought that getting rid of Edward was just an excuse for me to be alone with her. I still had a blank, emotionless face. If only she knew what really was happening. I want her to run. Run and scream. Why didn't she run?

"Willy, what is wrong?" She asked. I didn't answer her. She hugged me. "You don't have to tell me, just know I will always be here for you." I breathed in her scent. It was the last chance I was going to get to see her natural beauty and smell her natural scent. I love this woman so much, I can't let her go.

"I'm sorry" I responded. I had begun. A knife I held pierced her abdomen. She gasped at what was happening. The knife won't kill her; it's just a warning that I had to kill her. Maybe she will run. I hope she does. 

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