5. [ alex's entry ]

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uhm, hey there.

i know i disappeared on all of you suddenly without any warning, and i feel really guilty.
i'm sorry. i deactivated my last account because i wanted to forget how awkward and hypocritical and disgusting i was, but oh well, i still have traces of them.

but i'm alright, nothing bad happened. as for angie, school's just been really hard on her, yet i have no idea why she deactivated. i'm still in touch with her, so if anyone wants to know how she's doing, just ask me.

i made a new account a month ago. sta found me a few hours ago and that's the only time i realised i fucked up. majorly. this account i have now was supposed to be a backup ; a fresh, new start. but i ended up making it my main one since i absolutely cannot handle two accounts at once. the username is @kawashiite , by the way.

i understand if you hate me for not saying anything. i understand if i'm not part of the crew anymore. but i will make it up to you guys. i'll start anew, and replace all those times i wasn't with you guys.

school has been really harsh on me with the recent events and all. but i can cope with it, and i'll try to be on at least once a day, and i won't ever neglect you all again.

i hope you see this update, though. i'm really, really sorry. i love you guys.

see you around (:
- alex

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