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Yes I am finally at home with proper wifi. So I can explain this properly now.

If you really didn't see the message on the wall here, yes. It's Alex here.

And I am about to come clean.

So, I met you guys 4 years ago, if I'm not mistaken.

As I recall it; Alexandra Something Something Genske Blah Blah call me out on my STUPID BULLSHIT oh god that shit was cringe.

Truth? That's not my name. Basically I was something like a catfish.

My real name is girly and disgusting, but the new name I go by (Kei) came from that.

Mikhaela. Khae. Kei. That's one of the two first names I have.

Secondly, no, I was not 16. I'm not 20 now, either. I'm a fucking fetus, and I mean WAY TOO YOUNG.

12. Now.

I'm cringing. I'm crying at myself.

(I was 9 or 10, okay. But damn did I really start to roleplay at that age? Impressive, for a cringy ass like me.)

Ah, yes. It's really visible that I want to go back in time and slap the shit out of my younger self for being such an idiotic fuck.

The face reveal I did? Nah. Not me. Obviously.

I'm Filipino. Filipinos don't look like that.

But, you definitely MAY be asking me, "Why did you do it? Why did you make a false personality and try to fool us which in I'm pretty sure failed?"

This is where it gets kind of soft.

At that age, I had a large hunch you guys wouldn't accept me. Treat me a lot differently. And I thought that the only way to be accepted was to pretend to be similar.

I wasn't. I knew I wasn't. Am I still? Probably not.

God, I sound way more mature than I was 4 years ago. Makes me want to throw myself off of a fucking cliff.


There. There you have it. The truth.

But I'm starting again. Nothing fake, no more hiding.

Hey, I'm Kei. 12, aka a fetus. Still roleplays. Bisexual. He/Him pronouns, and I just found out I was transgender 3 months ago.

And I'd really like to start over with you guys. Is this family broken? I don't care.

We can start over.

(I'm trying to be as optimistic as I can. Am I doing it right?)

Also, I don't know about you guys, but Glaciem x Ryan remains my OTP for this roleplay. Even if it's pretty dead courtesy of YOURS TRULY AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAkillme.

So... yeah.

I'm sorry for everything. Sorry that I lied. Sorry that I basically just... tossed you guys away. I'm sorry.

I'll see you around (?)

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