Chapter 6 | I'm Just Looking Out For You

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Lisa's POV

*Breakfast 10:00 AM*

I wonder what last night was all about. I never saw Tionne get that mad before. I should probably say something to her.

Ro: *walks downstairs* Good morning Lisa. *sleepy voice*

Me: Good morning babes. Where's T?

Ro: Upstairs. Why?

Me: Nothing. I just need to talk to her.

Ro: I'm guessing, about last night?

Lisa: Yup.

Ro: Oh... Well, what's for breakfast?

Me: *slides Ro a bowl, milk and box of cereal* A new dish. Cinnamon squares with a creamy white sauce.

Ro: Thank you Chef-Eye.

Me: You're welcome. *walks upstairs laughing*

When I get upstairs, I hear Tionne talking out loud while writing in her diary.

T: Dear Diary, yesterday I went to see Waiting To Exhale with my best friends Lisa and Rozonda. We saw these cute boys and Lisa and Ro fell in love instantly with Eric and Dante, but I wasn't really into Tyrone. I think him and those other two peanut heads are up to no good. I tried to tell Lisa and Ro, but they say they love them. *sigh* I guess they're happy and I should leave them to be, but then and again I don't want to see my two best friends to get hurt in any type of way. I'm just trying to look out for them. Love, Tionne.

Me: *walks back downstairs*

Ro: What happened? *notices Lisa looking sad*

Me: I overheard T talking out loud while writing in her diary, and now I really think we should stop seeing Eric and Dante.

Ro: I don't know Lisa..

Me: But she says she thinks they're up to no good!

Ro: I understand, but she says she thinks. Did you ever hear her say she knows?

Me: Well, no but- (gco)

Ro: Exactly! So here's the plan. We see how they really act around us, and we'll do a little spying if we have to for extra help. If Tionne's right, we stop seeing them. If Tionne's wrong, we'll see how far the relationship goes. Pinky swear we don't tell her.

Me: Pinky swear.

Ro: Good girl.

Just then, Tionne came downstairs for breakfast.

T: Good Morning y'all.

Me/Ro: Good morning babes.

T: Hey, I'm sorry for what happened last night. I'm just trying to look out for y'all. I'd never want to see y'all in any type of pain whatsoever cause I love y'all.

We pulled Tionne in for a hug. I didn't know she cared about us that much.

Ro's POV

Me and Lisa decided to go along with our little plan. We told Eric and Dante to pick us up at 8:00, so we could hang.

Me: Dante baby, can you get me some cookies please? *sounding innocent*

Dante: Anything for you my little Pocahontas.

Me: *blushes*

Lisa: Eric baby, can you get me some cookies too? *sounding even more innocent*

Eric: Anything for you my doe-eyed beauty.

Lisa: *blushes*

Me: *whispers* Lisa, this is easy!

Lisa: *whispers* No stuff!

Lisa/Me: *cracks up*

Eric/Dante: What's so funny?

Lisa/Me: *looking innocently at their IPhones* We were watching the Sharkeisha dance! *does dance*

Eric/Dante: This is why we love y'all! *hugs and kisses them*

Lisa: *lovestruck then thinks* Remember what Ro said! Don't fall for it Lisa, don't fall for it!

Me: *blushes and thinks* Let me stop...
What's gonna happen in the next chapter? Comment, and vote and you'll see...

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