
27 1 4

I know half the people on this darn app ship Phan so here ya go.

I'm warning you, I'm a classic Phanboy so if you wanna skip this chapter or cover your eyes, PLEEEEEASE do so.



Normal POV

Dn and phl wen 2 ta rcordin rum an recrd a vedio fer Utoob an pusted et n den dey go et fed n set on coch 2 wach tevison

Phl wan te dan wen wang

Dna wen te Phli hut dug benz

Phel sed "Dna I wan ur het dug"

Den sey "phel y u do dis I be on meh menstrual pered"

Phel cri bc he can't get dan disco stick

"Fiel dun cri" den hug him

"But den I wan te wen wang"


N den dun n fel du thhee dorty do frick frack patty wack smACK RACK TACK FKACK RATTA TAT TAT TAT FLAT SCHMAT DJRRBDINDKSNSNS n pel git prego spajeti sos


"W0t den"

"Y u get prego insted o ragu"

"I dun no I jes wentd 2 tri et"

"Gawd fel I like regu"


N den den did from eting de prego sis an fel cri su herd he di3 2

Te end

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