Love Locked Up

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Thursday was a crisp afternoon, and like any bright day that encourages activity and the smell of fresh air, the band never noticed. And they slugged around the apartment like most other days. The apartment smelled of old socks and cheddar chips. The two couches used to look like leather, but the texture wore off into a fuzzy smear of fabric.

Danny was the oldest; his brown hair was always perfect. He liked his beard a bit scruffy, and the sunlight would always show the red shine in it. He grabbed the milk, the yellow and orange cereal box, and a spoon. He was juggling everything as he walked across the room and then crashed on the couch.

Mitch was sitting on the couch. He kept himself in shape, which went along with his perpetual 5 o'clock shadow and jet black hair. Mitch was drinking some chocolate milk while eating a grilled cheese sandwich Alex made for him.

ALEX: How would you describe the first bite?

MITCH: Good.

ALEX: Mitch! Work with me.

Alex had soft brown skin, spiky hair that was always symmetrical, and a perfectly ironed polo shirt. He was sitting in his brown recliner while typing for his food blog, a project he started in defiance of his professor, after failing his elective culinary class for "showing no improvement." He made his own special grilled cheese he came up with called "Grilled Cheeses N' Cream." It was made like a traditional grilled cheese, but added with three additional Italian cheeses, bacon bits, and a creamy salad dressing. He asked Mitch, the best eater he knew, to try the dish. The only issue with Mitch was getting him to be descriptive with the food.

ALEX: If you could describe the sandwich in three words, what words would you use?

MITCH: Good, cheese, and fine.

ALEX: For the love of Cheese, Mitch.... Can you come up with anything better—

MITCH: I do have one critique. The chocolate milk and this grilled cheese don't really go well together.

ALEX: I didn't tell you to have the chocolate milk. I even specifically told you to drink something other than chocolate milk.

MITCH: What am I supposed to drink in the morning?

ALEX: Apple juice? Orange juice? Anything else! There are tons of choices!

Danny moaned from the other side of the room.

DANNY: Would you guys chill! I can't hear the cartoons.

ALEX: Danny, you forgot a bowl.

Danny looked down and realized he did. He didn't want to get up from the couch. He opened the cereal box, uncapped the milk and started to pour the milk inside the box. Mitch slow clapped Danny's innovation.

ALEX: What are we doing today?

DANNY: I don't know about we, but I know what I'm doing today.

ALEX: And what's that?

DANNY: You're watching me do it.

MITCH: I've been sitting around here all week. I want to go out.

ALEX: Me too.

DANNY: Good, y'all need to get out so I can have some peace and quiet on my day off.

ALEX: You work one day a week...and you didn't even work yesterday.

Danny took a bite of cereal from the box and started talking with his mouth full.

DANNY: That doesn't make my statement any less true.

The Band: Freshman YearWhere stories live. Discover now