Meeting Everyone

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Madison's POV

We walk inside and I'm greeted and two people running around the couch. One was a girl with beautiful light blue hair and she's chasing a man with white hair. I instantly cling onto Za- 'dad's'! arm. God...I really do need to get used to calling him dad. We walk in the house further and more people are sitting on the couch.
They look at me instantly when me and dad sat on the couch. I freaked out and started to breathe heavily, I don't even know these people plus there are so many of them, I haven't seen very many people because my parents locked me in the house all the time. I pulled out my bag and grabbed my inhaler so I could breathe, I breathed in and out a couple times then I put all my stuff back in my bag. Some of them looked at me in horror but a man with a red shirt with his abs showing, and a guy with yellow hair and blue eyes looked at me in pity. I leaned on dad's shoulder and looked away from everyone else.

Zane's POV

Madison was shaking so badly, I started to worry but before I could say anything she pulled out her inhaler. After she used it, I hugged her tightly and waited until she calmed down just a little. I whispered calmly in her ear
"It's alright Madison, just hold on."

She fell asleep so I layed her head on my lap and seen that everyone was still staring at me wide eyed. I blushed and coughed.

"Everyone, this is my daughter Madison." Travis burst into laughter
"You? Have a kid! Who did you even hook up with Zane" I gave katelyn 'the look' and she smacked him on the back of the head.

(You being a douche you oversized coconut!)

I coughed harshly. "I adopted her Travis" I explained what happened and Travis instantly felt bad, some were even put to tears.
Madison started to stir so i waited until she calmed down again to continue talking.

Madison's POV

I yawn, rub my eyes and sit up. I didn't recognize this couch, I instantly freaked out. "What the hell!" Then I felt someone grab my shoulders. I screamed but then that person hugged me. I looked behind me and relaxed a little, it was just dad.

"Jerk!" You slap him. He started laughing then you heard more laughter. Your eyes were as wide as saucers when you heard the laughter. You looked at everyone and gripped the straps to your bag about to grab your pills when dad held your hand.

"Madison" Dad said calmly. "It's okay, this is your family." I gripped his hand and I seen the same girl who was the cashier at the store I went to before i left. I gasped "Hey cashier lady!" She looked shocked.
"Whoa, I didn't even recognize you"

"Wait... you guys know each other?" Dad sad shocked. I giggled at his facial expression.
"I was buying alcohol for my...parents the day before I went to the maid cafe." I explained smoothly.

A guy with white hair and emerald green eyes walked up to me. "Heyyy Madison~" He said. I cringed slightly as he moved closer to me. "The names Travis." He winked at me.
"Is your dad a baker, cause you got nice buns." He flirted with me.
Dad was practically shaking with anger so to reassure him that I got this, I patted him on the shoulder and stood up. I walked closer to Travis. "No, but is your dad a crappy pottery maker because he made you wrong" I fell on the floor laughing.
Around me I hear "You're gonna need some ice for that burn", "ohhhh burn" and "savage"

A girl with light blue hair comes up to me. "Hey, I'm katelyn. I have feeling we are going to be good friends."
I giggled and dad introduces me to the rest of the large group. I smile as we walk back home, When we walk inside dad bakes cupcakes then after they are finished we sit on the couch and watch 'My Little Horsies' until we fall alseep. I love my dad and I hope he loves me too.

Hey guys Maddie here and I hope you guys enjoyed the new and improved story. I'm so sorry these chapters are taking so long but i'm trying to focus on school more. I go to highschool and i would like to give a good impression to the school i'm going to. I hope you guys don't mind the chapter being this short and I hope you guys have a good day and I will see you guys in the next chapter BUH-BYE

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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