Target 9 [Part 3]

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DISCLAIMER: Katekyo hitman reborn is not mineeee~!

Author: Hello, everyone! Thank you so much for reading and adding this story on you're favorites! Thank you for the comments and please don't stop doing it! I'm really thankful for that! 😊😊🙌 ✌ ️

WARNING: Profanities and OOC

The Senior Boss Thinks Of His Family![Part 3]


Narrator's P.O.V

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"We're leaving!" Yuuki chirped before she ran out with Tsuna. They immediately stopped as they faced the gate. Standing outside were numerous men in black suits. Upon getting the twins' attention, one of them broke off from the others and stood before them.

"Buon giorno, Yuuki-sama, Tsuna-sama. My name is Romario," the greeted with a respectful bow. "Hello too, Dino-nii's friends!" Yuuki greeted back. Tsuna grit his teeth, but said nothing about the '-nii' attachment due to the truce he made with Reborn.

"Why are you guys here?" Dino asked, voice husky with denied sleep. One of his eyes was closed as he leaned on the gate for support. "I didn't ask for a pick-up."

"No one's here to pick you up, Boss. We just happened to end up here after we wandered around," Romario lied. Truthfully, they had wanted to check on how their Boss was doing.

"*Snorts* From the hotel in front of the station, eh?" Dino said in disbelief.

Yuuki smiled as the touching scene played out. 'Dino-nii's is so well-liked by his friends.'

Yuuki's thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of one of her own friends who passed the gate with a scowl towards the men guarding it. Of course, Hayato's attitude did a quick 180 when he set eyes on them.

"Good morning, Hime-sama! Juudaime!" Hayato yelled in greeting as he stopped in front of the twins.

"Gokudera-kun!?" Tsuna exclaimed. The protective brother narrowed his eyes in suspicion at the dynamite-loving mafioso. Hayato gave his masterfully crafted excuse: "I woke up early and decided to go for a walk. I wandered around and just happened to end up here!"

'Ara? He's saying the same thing! *Giggles* It seems that Onii-chan and I are well-liked too!' Yuuki thought happily.

"Tsuna-san! Yuuki-san! When I was wandering around, I somehow ended up here! I'm so lucky to see Tsuna-san in the morning!" Haru energetically chirped. '...This is definitely stalking,' Tsuna thought darkly.

"Good morning! What are you guys doing?" Takeshi asked, stopping beside Hayato.

"Yo! Hurricane Bomb, right? This is the first time we met in person." Dino said with a smile. Hayato sized him up and glared at Dino as soon as he noticed Dino's tattoo. "You're...Bucking Horse Dino!" Hayato exclaimed, looking ready to fight if not for Yuuki suddenly clinging on his arm.

"Maa~ It seems like we're going to be late for school, so let's go~!" Yuuki announced as she dragged the blushing silver-haired puppy and her scowling brother with her.

As soon as Tsuna and Yuuki were out of earshot Dino turned to the others and pushed away from the fence, all signs of sloth falling away. "So that's the 10th Vongola Family. They're still kids." Dino muttered.

"It seems that you're interested." Reborn pointed out, noticing the shift in Dino's tone.

"I suppose," Dino said slowly. "They're...different, though. They'll need a lot of help."

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