Chapter 4 - A Day Off

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Max's POV

I wake up to the warm sun streaming through my window. I glance at the clock, reading "9:00 AM" and mildly panic before remembering I was supposed to take care of Shelby, who still wasn't feeling the best after getting food poisoning.

I grab my phone off my bedside table, and notice I got a text from Kara.

Kara: Heyyyy boo 😘 Wanna go out for dinner today? I found a cute little restaurant that I think you'd love.

I hesitate, thumbs hovering over keyboard. Do I really want to go out with Kara? I thought to myself. The moment Shelby came to live with us, I noticed my affection towards Kara lessened a little. Or a lot. I was so confused. Shelby is the one for you and you know it. A small voice in the back of my head whispered.

Frustrated, I grab my head and moan, "Aghhhhhh". I text Kara back:

Max: Sorry, I'm not feeling too well today. Maybe another time.

I toss my phone onto my desk, pull on a sweatshirt, then walk downstairs to see Shelby making pancakes and bacon for breakfast.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" Shelby chirps as she flips a pancake, "You hungry?"

"Definitely. Thanks so much," I gush while grab two pancakes and a plate full of bacon. Shelby laughs.

"I didn't know you ate that much."

"Shut up Megan" I grumble while shoving food into my mouth. It's delicious. "Wow Shelby you're a great cook!" She smiles at me.

[Time skip]

Later that day, in the afternoon, I find Shelby curled up on the living room couch looking at her phone.

"I'm boreeeedddd," She whines, looking up at me.

"That's what you get for being sick," I laugh. "Hey, wanna watch a movie together?"

"Sure, what do you have?" She sits up.

I pull three movies off the shelf next to the TV. "Well, we have a fine selection of: The Bee Movie, The Bee Movie, or THE Bee Movie." I say in my Butt Knights voice.

Shelby giggles, "hmmm I think I'll pick The Bee Movie."

"What a fine choice young lady!" I laugh.

We sit pretty close to each other when the movie starts. I didn't know if I was uncomfortable or if I enjoyed it... I was barely watching the movie and looking at Shelby from the corner of my eye.

"I still don't understand why you guys got Ross three copies of the same movie" Shelby comments, removing me from my daze.

"Honestly, I don't either," I shrug.

Around the halfway point, I suddenly feel a weight on my shoulder. I glance down and find Shelby leaning on me, peacefully asleep. I smile and mute the TV, careful not to wake her. I stare at her a little too long, and I notice for the first time how beautiful she is.

I hear the front door unlock. "I'm hoooomee!" Ross yells, and walks into the living room. I put a finger up to my lips to shush him. He smirks and whispers "I ship it. Shelaxxxx" and practically prances up the stairs. He better not be tweeting this, I think to myself, knowing perfectly that Ross was doing exactly that.

After 20 minutes, I feel my own eyes getting a little heavy. However, I knew I still have to walk Galileo. Sighing, I pick Shelby up bridal style, as gently as possible, then carry her to her room and lay her on her bed. I quietly shut the door then go to grab Galileo's leash.

I quickly scribble Ross a note, find Galileo, then walk to nearby park for a quick run. After going around the block twice, I walk back home, shower, then change into clean clothes. It's 5:00. I still have an hour before I have to cook dinner. I decide to record a video of me playing random Minecraft mini games.

I finish recording, save the video, and start editing parts of it. I'm halfway through when I get a Skype call.


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