Chapter 15 Continued

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Max's POV

I have an inkling that Ross and Shelby are trying to make today super fun just to cheer me up. Well, it was working.

When we get to the beach, I notice how crowded it is. I guess the good weather brought everyone here.

The three of us walk to a spot in the shade under the tree, and we start applying sunscreen. 

"Hey, Shelby, can you help me apply sunscreen on my back?" Ross asks Shelby.

"Yeah, sure, just give me one second, I wanna take a picture," she responds.

As she's about to take a photo, I jump in front of the camera with a super goofy face.

"Hey!" she exclaims, "I'm posting this now," 

"Fine. I'll be honoured to be featured on your Instagram or wherever you post it," I stick my tongue out.

When we finally get sunscreen on, Ross says "Come on, let's get in the water!" 

As we start walking, I notice Shelby is still wearing her top and shorts. "Are you going to take those off? You ARE wearing a swim suit underneath, right?" I ask, pointing to her outfit.

She bites her lip. "Yeah I am. I was thinking of taking it off at the water," she says, her voice rising at the end, almost like a question.

"But then there'll be no where to put it without it getting wet," I point out.

She shrugs, looking hesitant.

"Shelbs, is something wrong?" I ask, worried.

"No, it's just..." she sighs. "I'm wearing a bikini," she tries to explain.

"Yeah, so?" 

"And well, since I came to Washington, I haven't been working out very much," she says quietly, looking down. I finally understand what she's hinting at.

"Shelbs, it's just me and Ross. We're practically family. Well Ross technically IS family."

This earns the smallest of giggles from Shelby.

"You know we won't judge you, and frankly, I think you're beautiful no matter what," I tell her, lifting her chin. She blushes.

"Okay," she sighs, and takes off her tank top and shorts.

"Race you to the water!" I shout, and take off running.

"Hey no fair!" She squeals, catching up to me anyway.

We end up tying. "And you said you didn't work out," I poke her arm, panting.

"I  didn't. You're the one that needs to work out more," she pokes me back, laughing.

I look around. "Hey, I wonder where Ross went?" 

"I think he said something about going to the washroom?" she looks around and shrugs, "oh well, we'll find him sooner or lat-."

Before she finishes her sentence I push her into the incoming waves. 

"Max!" she shrieks. I just stand there laughing my head off.

"Help me up," she pouts, holding out her hand.

I reach out, and grasp her hand. That was a mistake.

She yanks and pulls me into the water with her. "Hey!" I protest, freezing and soaking wet. 

"Hah! Karma!" Shelby grins at me. 

We stand up. She points to a little sand island in the middle of the water. I nod and we wade towards it, hand in hand.

When we reach there, I notice Shelby's shivering and her teeth are chattering.

"Oh my gosh, we should probably head back, you're freezing," I say, pulling her closer to me. She hunches up and huddles against me, shaking her head.

"No, I'm fine. Plus it's so peaceful on this little island." She smiles up at me, teeth chattering slightly less.

I look down at her, staring into her shiny brown eyes. Why haven't I noticed her beauty before? 

I keep gazing into her eyes.

And at that moment I realised: I was completely over Kara. 

I didn't love her any more. I found feelings for someone else.

Without thinking, I pressed my lips against Shelby's. 

More Than Just Friends ~ Shelax (Shelby x Max)Where stories live. Discover now