Chapter 8 - Birthday Planning

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[One week later]

Shelby's POV

When I walk into my office this the morning, I immediately notice a small white envelope sitting on my keyboard. My name is scrawled on the front. It recognize it as Em's handwriting. 

"IMPORTANT MEETING AT TODAY AT LUNCH! Be at the board room at 12:00 sharp. DON'T TELL RED. ~Em"

Don't tell Red...?  I wonder what this could be about. 

Being one to hate suspense, I'm restless all throughout mine, Ross, and Max's recording of Agents. 

We finally wrapp up the video at 11:40. Arghh, twenty more minutes until I find out what this is about. I decide to go ahead and start eating my lunch, which was a BLT sandwich.

At 11:55, I go to find Max and Ross. They're in Ross' office watching funny cat videos on YouTube. 

"Wow, productive much," I comment, not bothering to knock.

"Watching cat videos is VERY educational," Max responds in a silly voice. 

"Riigghhhht," I giggle. "Don't we have a meeting to get to?" 

"Oh right. C'mon, let's go," Ross says, standing up. 

We walk into the meeting room, and I sit in between Ross and Max. Em and Adam are deep in discussion, looking a little flustered.

The clock struck 12:00.

"So! What's this meeting about?" I speak up. 

Tim rushes in just as Adam closes the door. "Sorry I'm late!" He pants.

"Just sit. So as y'all probably know, it's Red's birthday this Friday. A couple of us decided it would be a good idea to surprise him here at the offices, and it's obviously going to be on camera. Barney suggested we also throw him a party afterwards. Are you all in?" Adam asks.

"Yea!" We all cheer. So THIS is why we weren't supposed to tell Red!

"Great! So we have five days to plan this.... first of all, any suggestions for party location?" 

"Why don't we hold it at our place?" Max pipes up, "Our house is pretty large, and it's easier to set up than at a restaurant or something."

"Yeah!" I squeal enthusiastically, grinning at Max and giving him a high-five.

"Okay. Location: Ross/Max/Shelby's house." [A/N: Tim lives with his sister in this fanfic] Em writes on the whiteboard.

"Who's in charge of food?" Adam asks the group.

"I'll do that," Em volunteers and writes her own name down.

"I can help too," Jake says.

"I'll bring the party decorations!" Ethan raises his hand.

"Great! So basically we need everyone to come at 7:30 in the morning to set up on Friday... and that's about it. Thanks everyone! And remember, DON'T TELL RED!" Adam finishes enthusiastically. 

This is going to be so exciting!

Ross' POV

Watching Shelby and Max smile and high five each other just gave me a sudden idea. 

I can't wait for Friday.

This is going to be so exciting! I think slyly.

More Than Just Friends ~ Shelax (Shelby x Max)Where stories live. Discover now