1st Night

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It was late, but, as usual, Maya couldn't sleep. She got up for a glass of water. When she got to the kitchen, she heard Josh's voice behind her.

'' Mind getting me one too?''

She turned to face him. He was sitting in the living room's bay window, wearing a band's t-shirt and joggings. She smiled at him.


She brought him the glass and sat next to him.

'' So,'' she started, ''why aren't you asleep?''

'' I don't know. I'm a night person. I like to stay up when everyone is asleep and just appreciate how still and calm everything is.''

Just after that, cars horned outside and they heard police sirens. They looked at each other and chuckled.

''Or, you know, I watch the stars and the moon.'' He continued.

'' I bet you say that to all the girls you run into in the middle of the night.'' She mocked.

'' I would never!'' he said, pretending to be shocked. '' You're the only one!''

They both laughed.

'' Riley loves to watch the stars too.'' Said Maya. '' I guess being romantic runs in the family.''

''Oh, you should meet my sister Morgan. She would break all your romantic ideas on the Matthews clan.'' Laughed Josh.

'' Is she that different?''

'' She's the opposite of Cory in every single way.''

'' Well, she's your family, I'm sure I'd love her.'' Replied Maya.

''Yeah, you would. She's amazing.'' He said, gazing at the sky.

They stayed silent for a while, looking out the window.

'' You know,'' Maya said softly, ''the first thing I ever drew was the night sky.''

Josh looked at her.

'' How come?'' he asked, interested.

'' We were doing an assignment for Mr. Matthews at the library. Riley and Lucas were talking, and I had nothing to do, so I picked up a pen and a paper, and started drawing.''

''Bet you never knew you'd discover your passion through a school assignment, did you?''

''Nope. It's ironic, isn't it. Me, of all people, with school, of all things. Life has its mysterious ways, I guess.'' She said.

'' Yeah, it does.'' He looked at her. '' Maya?'' She turned to face him.

'' Yeah Josh?''

'' Could you draw me?''

'' What, right now?'' she asked.

'' Yeah, why not.''

'' What if I mess up your face?'' she worried.

'' You won't. I know you won't.''

'' All right, but it might take a while.'' She warned.

"It's okay. I'm not going anywhere." He smiled at her.

Once Maya got hold of a good pen and a nice paper, she sat in front of him and looked at him with a more artistic eye than usual.

'' Okay, the moonlight is perfect right now. Just shift your head a little to the left.''

'' Like that.'' He said turning to his left, which was the opposite of what she wanted.

'' No,'' she laughed, '' the other way.''

''Oh, you mean like that.'' He said lifting his head up and laughing.

'' Are you purposely doing this?'' she said, trying to hold her laughter.

'' Maybe...'' he said in a playful way.

Maya stood, came near him and took his chin lightly with her fingers. She shifted his head in the right position.

''Like that.'' She said with a little smile.

Their faces were close now. Josh was looking deeply into her eyes. She was looking back. Those few seconds seemed like an eternity. Neither wanted to look away. Then, with a mesmerized voice, Josh said '' You have enchanting eyes.''

Maya let go of his chin and sat back. Without saying a word, she just started drawing him. He positioned his head back the way she wanted and looked at the moon. They didn't have to talk. They just knew it was right.

Josh and Maya's midnight talks(Joshaya)Where stories live. Discover now