School dances

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Like most schools, we have two dances throughout the year. A winter one, and a spring one. The first dance of the year is gonna happen soon, and I'm already preparing for the slag storm that is sure to follow.
Something ALWAYS happens at our school dances. A girl ends up crying in the bathroom, a couple argues, and I swear, it's like Cupid shoots everyone with the arrow of insincere love, because EVERYBODY and I mean EVERYBODY starts dating someone. Even I am guilty of that one my little toasters☹️☹️☹️.
Honestly, the school would make money hand over fist if they let us gamble there, because everyone would do it, and be too oblivious to notice they had lost all their cash.
There's just something magical about those dances, everyone loses their common sense, and everything goes to slag.
A guy started rounding up people to go beat the crap out of a another guy one year for Primus' sake!!!
I already fear what I myself might do, but I have to go. Because seeing all this craziness unfold, is SO worth it. Wish me luck toasters, for the school dance will most likely kill me, or another person there.


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