Happy non specified holiday!!

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Merry Christmas Eve ya filthy animals!! (Or Hanukkah, Kwanza, Yule, Saturnalia, Omisoka, Boxing Day, St. Lucia Day, Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and other things celebrated in December I don't know about.) I've had this picture waiting in the wings for this occasion, as well as others for future Christmas posts. I don't really have much to say, but whatever you guys celebrate, have a happy holiday season, and I pray that next year none of us die during Black Friday. Now the only question is, can I find a New Years related Transformers Prime picture...and the answer is yes, I did several months ago. I like to be prepared. See you all next time I post again!! Which is probably later on tonight...because my parents already went to sleep so I only have the Internet to keep my sad existence company...
Anyway, Happy Holidays everyone!!

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