Nightmare About My Dog

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I woke up from a nightmare at 2:50 after getting very little sleep.  How the Hell I managed to conjure up a long ass dream in less than an hour was beyond me, but... This is it:

My dog, Callie, is a large dog.  She's almost perfectly well-behaved, and it fairly playful.

My dog bad been aggressive recently.  She'll growl and snap at my little sister, and she even bit me on several occasions for no apparent reason.  She started jumping up on furniture that she didn't need to jump up on like the kitchen table.  Somehow, this dog had figured out how to get through the trashcan lid and open the fridge to reach the bottom shelf, so any and all tossed out food or leftovers in the fridge would be devoured.  In fact, I'd often wake up to a kitchen with wrappers all over the place, including counter tops.

I was at my grandparent's with my little sister.  We were outside just doing our thing while my grandfather was cutting down some tall, dense corn-stalk-looking weeds.  Something happened where he struck something, and suddenly a ton of gnats surrounded the area, chasing us inside.  It was to the point where you had to shut your eyes while running to the door in order to avoid getting them in your eyes.

My sister and I went home.  My dog greeted me as usual, jumping up on me out of excitement.  But then, she suddenly bit my hand really hard, and I had to smack her to get her to let go.

Later, I went to the pull-out-drawer freezer to get something to eat, and my dog suddenly bit my arm.  At first I thought she was playing, but then she sunk her teeth into my arm.  She wouldn't let go and it hurt so bad, like my arm was being crushed.  I had to hit the top of her head for her to let go.

Some other time I walked into the dining area to find my dog laying down on the table.  She looked like she wanted to jump up onto the wall beside it, but I yelled her name and forced her to get down.  She snarled at me and glared.

My nightfall, both my sister and I were scared.  My dog had been so mean, and I had no idea why.

I was in the downstairs living room.  My sister was sleeping in her bedroom (uptairs) while I was laying down on the carpet.  I was hurting.  My dog had really injured mosy of my body, and I didn't feel good at all.  I didn't know what to do.  I was so scared.

I called my mom, who was at work.  "What are you doing," I asked.

"Trying to figure out what to do next.:

"When will you be home?"

"In a little while, why?"

I explained my situation.  I was terrified of my dog and both my sister and I were in danger.  I asked my mom if she could just please go ahead and come home, because I really needed her.  Sure it was almost 11pm and she usually doesn't stop til after 12, I needed her.

She told me no and when I started to cry, she hung up.  I had to crawl on the floor, dragging myself toward the stairs and slowly dragged my beat-up self upstairs.  'Maybe if I just put her out on the deck, I can wait til mom gets back to address the situation.

I called Calle over, and for once she seemed notmal.  I opened the door t the back deck.  She dashed out the door and jumped right over the railing.  I screamed it horror as I watched her run.  My heart sunk because I knew that that jump was way too high for her to survive.

I ran to the edge and looked over the edge.  My dog seemed fine, thank God, and immediately started running again.  'Oh no...'  Calle ran at the 8-foot tall privacy-fence and somehow managed to jump over it.

I screamed her name, but she completely ignored me and then took off down the road.  I had tears waterfalling down my cheeks.  Just like that, my dog was gone.  I sobbed hysterically, and then I woke up.

It actually felt so fucking real, and I'm bawling right now because oh my God I love my dog so much and she... she hurt me and ran away.  I slept for less than a fucking hour and had the worst nightmare I've ever experienced.

My heart is aching :'(

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