The Curse

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-Yoo Jae Suk-

"Jae Suk ah come into my room." My Dad whispered to me.

I glanced at Kwang Soo who was sleeping on his bed next to me and made sure that he was sound asleep.

I quickly made my way quietly upstairs to my Dad's room.

My Dad placed his hands on my forehead and began chanting a spell as usual.

"Aneotijinzseal!" He repeated twice.

My Mum watched anxiously at the side as the spell mark appeared on my forehead.

My forehead was burning as the mark caused by the spell grew brighter and brighter. It resembles the shape of a whirlpool.

It hurts so much that I gritted my teeth and clutched my hands.

Soon the spell mark disappeared and the pain disappeared too.

My Dad have to perform that spell on me so as to seal the curse that was casted on me the day that I was born 16 years ago.

The spell has to be casted every seven days as it will loose its effectiveness after seven days.

However, no one realised that Kwang Soo was standing behind the door, seeing everything that had just happened.

-Lee Kwang Soo-

What is Dad doing to Jae Suk? Didn't Dad said that he will never use his power to cast spells on people?

I saw that Jae Suk was about to leave the room and immediately used my power to run at the speed of light back to my bedroom.

Jae Suk entered the room a while later. He plonked himself on the bed and soon fell asleep.

I then tiptoed my way to my parents room carefully so as not to wake Jae Suk up.

"Dad, are you alseep?" I knocked on his room door.

There was no response even after waiting for five minutes.

I then decided to just open the door.

When I opened the door I was shocked at what I saw.

My Dad was coughing blood and he look extremely weak. His face was as pale as the moonlight.

"Dad, what happened to you?" I exclaimed as I ran to his side.

"Sshhh lower down your voice or your brother can hear you!" My mum said.

"What's happening? Was it because you were performing some spell on Jae Suk and it resulted in some after effects?" I was shocked at what I just said as I clapsed my hands.

"You saw what had just happened just now?" My mum asked.

I nodded.

"Joon Gi should we just tell Kwang Soo the truth since he had saw what had just happened?" My Mum asked my Dad.

My Dad nodded and said "Okay do not be shocked at what we are going to tell you. Promise not to tell anyone about it."

"Okay I promise." I said seriously.

My Mum then began to tell me what happened to Jae Suk.

Jae Suk actually isn't your brother. He has a younger sister called Ji Hyo. His birth parents are Yoo Jae Yoon and Kim Ji Min.

Jae Suk possesses the power to not only control and read one's mind, but also to become invisble and heal people with the use of potions.

However, a guy called Choi Min Soo is one of the extraordinary people on earth. He uses his power to harm others, regardless if one has extraordinary powers or not.

After many years of research, he managed to inherit all the abilities which an extraordinary person can have but he could not find a way to make himself invisible.

Although he is the most powerful extraordinary people, he has always wanted to become invisible as and when he wants. This is so as being invisible is the most powerful power that one can have.

Jae Suk had done many good deeds in his previous life and was kind to everyone. Hence, he was reborn with the special ability to be invisible as and when he wants.

Upon knowing that, Choi Min Soo quaked with rage. He knew that there is no way that that power could be transfered to him.

Since he could not have that power then no one else should have it too. Hence, he decided to cast a curse on Jae Suk when he was born which would kill him within 49 days.

Jae Suk's birth parents found out about the curse and was heartbroken and hopeless. They could not find a way to break the curse as it was very strong.

They then decided to send Jae Suk to live under your father as his son and also as your brother so as to protect him and keep him safe.

This was because your father is able to break any spells or curse that can be found on earth and he is Jae Suk's father close friend.

My Mum continued "Please don't tell Jae Suk that he has a sister and that we are not his birth parents. He have always thought of us as his birth parents and you are his brother."

"So that is why Dad have to perform a spell on Jae Suk so as to seal the curse even if it means risking his health?" I asked in shock.

"Your Dad did it willingly and he will stop coughing soon don't worry as he can cast a spell on himself to heal himself." My Mum said.

I then went back to my room deep in thought. The truth is so harsh. There were many questions that was still burning in my heart.

I looked at Jae Suk sleeping on his bed beside me. He looks so innocent, why did he have to have such a cruel fate. He don't deserve to suffer as he is kind to everyone and he did not even dare to kill an insect.

He had also always been a loving older brother who took care of me always although I was just a few months younger than him.

Whenever, I want something, he will give it to me. And when we got into fights, he always give in and let me win.

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