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Okay so here's where the one shots start (woop woop)! This prompt is about Louis getting lost in the fame and, when no one else can, Liam drags him back down to Earth with a good spanking.

The boys all lounged around the small tour bus, exchanging annoyed glances as Louis flipped out over whatever yet again. The past few days, Louis has become a cocky, arrogant jerk, to put it nicely. They were young and this was the first time that the band had ever experienced one of them losing themselves in the fame. Because of this, the boys felt helpless, not knowing how to get their old Louis back, or even knowing if they could at all. All of the boys were at a loss, becoming increasingly upset and hurt by the boy, though Liam was taking it the worst. Liam, being 'Daddy Direction', knew that it was his responsibility to get their old band mate back as all of the other boys were too upset by things that Louis had done and said to them that they just sat back and accepted it, though it still pissed them off to no end. Recently, Louis had called his best mate Harry a manwhore, a frequently publicized nickname that he KNEW Harry was sensitive about. Furthermore, Louis had been insulting and trashing the rest of them, even some of the bodyguards and staff, and EVERYONE had had enough. Liam, though he had not been trashed as much as the others by Louis, took the change the worst; seeing his friend dig his own grave in fame was driving him over the edge. So much so that he finally, after lots of internal deliberation, decided that he was going to get his old mate back, no matter what it took. That night, after yet another outburst from Louis that caused Niall to run out of the bus crying, Liam had had enough. Actually, he had way more than enough. Liam was past his boiling point with the boy and saw red, sending Zayn out to go find Niall as he himself went outside to get some fresh air and make a long overdue call.

[on the phone with Louis' mother]

Johannah- Hello? May I ask who is is?

Liam- Oh, hey Johannah, it's Liam

J- Oh hello love, sorry I didn't recognize your number, how have you been sweetheart?

L- Honestly Jo, not that good, I kind of need your help

J- W-what is it hun? You sound upset, is something wrong, did Louis get hurt?!

L- no no no, don't worry nothing like that... It's just, it Louis. You know I love him to death but he has been a complete jerk to all of us lately. Not even just the boys, the staff and everyone else too, he's getting wrapped up in the fame and I don't know what to do!

J- He what?!

L- I'm sorry I called you so late, it just, I... I'm at a loss. What should I do?

J- oh honey, you know that I love hearing from you, don't worry about it! I'm just horrified that he could be doing this kind of stuff... I've seen some of his mishaps on T.V. but I honestly didn't know that it was this bad. He did this before when he was about 14, being a complete brat. I had no idea what to do until I talked to a friend of mine who suggested I spank him. First and only time I had ever spanked him was that night; he learned pretty quickly after that, but apparently he needs another reminder. I think that you need to spank him Liam.

L- w-what? Spank him?! But he's my mate Johannah, I can't do that, he would hate me!

J- Yeah, he won't like it but he needs to know how to act. Obviously his issue here is pride, so I think that you should spank him until he apologizes. I know that it's uncomfortable and hard for you to do this but you need to just think about how horrible he has been. Please do this for him, I don't want to see him lose everything. I can't have him keep ruining the family name and his own because he is getting proud and arrogant, please Li, will you get my Lou back?

L- yeah, your right Jo, if it will get our mate back, then I'm willing to do it.

J- he might yell and cry but don't stop until he says that he's sorry. Do what you have to, just don't go too far.

L- of course Johannah, next time he does something bad again, I'll take care of it. Thanks for the help, have a great night.

With that, I sighed and hung up. I really dont want to do this but if Louis leaves me no choice, then I will. With that, I walked inside to see Louis punching Harry in the eye, the younger boy crying in pain and covering his wounded eye. Standing in shock, Liam saw the remaining two boys rush to Harry's side, rubbing his back and trying to get him to open his now swollen eye. Snapping out of the shock, Liam became infuriated, marching over to Louis and towering over him. Without a word, Liam reached up a clenched fist and tightly gripped his ear, dragging him into the tight quarters of the bunk area and practically throwing him onto the bed. Closing the curtain, Liam realized that the boys would hear everything and try to stop him. "Stay here" Liam sneered, glaring at Louis for a minute. Louis obeyed, obviously frightened. Emerging from the back of the bus, Liam returned to see Harry lying down holding his eye. "Lemme see Haz" Liam said gently, running a soothing hand through Harry's curls. Peering at Harry's eye, he saw that there was puss oozing out; a bad sign. "Okay can you boys take him to the hospital to get this checked out? And then maybe you can go out to eat? I have some business to take care of right now. The boys looked at him confused but complied nonetheless. Once the rest were gone, Liam went and retrieved Louis from the bunk area, realizing that he would have a lot more room by the couch. Louis whimpered, his ear throbbing, but put on a tough front. "Let me the fuck go Liam, fuck you!" He yelled, only making Liam even more pissed. "Shut up and be quiet" he ordered in an unsettling, quiet voice. Gulping a little bit, Louis did as told, keeping the scowl on his face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Liam screamed in Louis' face, "you know what? I don't even fucking care! You can't keep treating us like this, you're getting arrogant and violent and hurtful and just horrible and we're all sick of it. You just punched your best friend for god sake, you're a fucking asshole!" Liam yelled, clearly mad as he rarely swore, only in extreme circumstances. Louis didn't say anything, but the sassy look on his face faulted the tiniest bit. Huffing loudly, Liam grit his teeth and shook his head, yanking Louis up and taking his place on the couch. With that, Liam yanked Louis down and over his lap before the boy even had a chance to comprehend what was happening. "What the fuck are you doing Liam, let me up you asshole" Louis screamed, squirming about over his lap. Liam didn't say anything. He only brought his hand up high, slapping it against Louis' jeans, deeming him silent. It took him a few smacks to realize what was happening, but once he did he blushed madly, yelling out every insult that he could think of. Liam just kept on spanking him, ignore his rude use of profanity. After about a minute of constant spanking, Louis still wasn't letting up so Liam decided that it was time to lecture him. "You" SMACK "will" SMACK "stop" SMACK "this" SMACK "bratty" SMACK "horrible" SAMCK "cocky" SMACK "rude" SMACK "behavior" SMACK "this" SMACK "fucking" SMACK "minute" SMACK "or so help me god" SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "I" SMACK "will" SMACK "make" SMACK "sure" SMACK "that" SMACK "you NEVER sit down again, that's a promise!" Liam lectured angrily, followed by about twenty more hard, solid spanks. Louis, obviously still stuck in his own little world, continued to kick and squirm around. Liam just continued to assault the boys bum. If he saw red before, he was seeing blood red now. Heart beat increasing with anger, Liam yanked down Louis' pants and pulled them all the way off. He didn't stop there though, following with the boy's boxers, deeming him naked from the waist down. Ears turning a bright red, Louis flushed a lot, burying his head him his arms as he laid across the couch on Liam's lap. Liam, unfazed by Louis' embarrassed state, resumed spanking the poor bum. "I hope you know that I am not going to stop bruising your bottom until you apologize sincerely and tell me exactly what you did wrong" Liam hissed into Louis' ear. Starting to cry a bit, Louis still wasn't ready to give up his pride and admit that he was wrong, though the was starting to feel the guilt intensify along with the pain in his bum. Another solid minute of beating and a very red bum later, Louis finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, okay! L-Li I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Louis belted out, sobbing. "Mhm... What for?" Liam asked conversationally, not slowing his pace down one bit, feeling absolutely no pity for the sobbing boy over his lap. "F-for being mean and hitting Harry and insulting everyone and, and, I-I'm sorryyy!" Louis cried, not being able to finish. Deciding that Louis was genuinely sorry, not just trying to save his ass (literally), Liam rubbed Louis' back a couple times in soothing circles. "Shh... Calm down lad, only twenty more. Then we can talk about this. Your punishment isn't over after this though, keep that in mind" Liam consoled him. Raising his hand again, Liam kept on with the punishment. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK. Liam finished the deed, paying special attention to his sit spots. By the time that Liam was done, Louis was a a sobbing mess, begging Liam to stop. "Calm down buddy, calm down" Liam hummed in his ear, pulling Louis up into his arms, "It's done, the spankings done okay? No more. Not unless that wretched attitude comes back again".

After another five minutes, Louis finally calmed down, now only sniffling and blushing madly when he realized that everything god gave him was showing while he was sitting on Liam's lap. He tried to grab his boxers from the floor but Liam grabbed his wrist before he could. "Louis I said that your spanking was over, your punishment isn't" Liam said flatly, looking the boy in his eyes. Louis cowered back, staring at louis fearfully with pleading eyes, "L-Li?" He questioned. I need you to stand over there in the corner next to this couch for thirty minutes okay?" "No! But Li, please it hurts and that's embarrassing, please Li, I've learned my lesson, please" Louis tried to reason with the stern looking boy, shrinking back even more when he saw the glare that he had earned in reply. "Louis Tomlinson, get your bum in that corner right now! I want you quiet, hands on your head, no rubbing" Liam ordered angrily, "You deserve this and you know it". Sadly, Louis walked quickly over to the corner, humiliated, covering his crotch with his shaky hands. "Hands" SMACK "on" SMACK "your" SMACK "head" SMACK Liam raged, smacking the already raw bum even more. Screeching loudly, Louis quickly did as told, not wanting to earn himself even more smacks. About halfway through his corner time, something that Liam thought only little kids would need-obviously Louis proved him wrong-Niall, Zayn, and a bandaged up Harry entered the bus. All three boys eyes widened when they saw Lou and put two and two together when they saw Louis' bright red bum on display. "Y-you SPANKED him?!" Niall asked in disbelief, jaw dropping a bit as Louis cringed and started to cry again, utterly mortified. "Yup, and I don't regret it" Liam answered telling the boys that he thinks Louis' little 'attitude problem' was fixed. The boys, still shocked but glad that Louis was back to normal and got what was deserved, sat down on the couch and talked about their doctors visit and how Harry's eye was doing. Much to Louis' dismay, the boys stayed there for the last fifteen minutes of his corner time, casually talking. After an agonizing thirty minutes, Liam told Lou that he could come out of the corner. Louis walked awkwardly over to the boys to retrieve his boxers, his face mirroring the dark red condition of his bum, quickly pulling his boxers up over his punished bottom. Hissing in pain, Louis decided to keep them on, trying to replace the dignity that he had just lost. "G-guys I'm so sorry I was such an ass" Louis began to sob again, feeling shame and guilt overcome him. "Hey Lou, it's alright, nobody is mad at you anymore, right lads?" Receiving a chorus of conformation, Liam continued. "Babe you were punished and now it's over". Simple as that. Just don't let it happen again. I like this Lou, not that imposter" Liam told the mess of a boy, hugging him while the others joined in. Not being able to sit on the couch because of his throbbing ass, Louis curled up on Liam's lap as the younger boy rubbed his back. The boys spent the rest of the night watching movies; Louis never lessened his grip on Liam's shirt, craving the comfort and knowing all the well that he was loved.

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