Helping Hands

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Dedicated to Snufflebunny123; hope it came out okay! I tried to keep if from getting too much like the first one with Harry, hope its not too repetitive!

Prompt- Louis gets a medical procedure done and has to have an enema given to him to help with the recovery. Louis's mom gets called out for work so she asks Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Niall to do the procedure. When Louis doesn't cooperate, he gets spanked.

Liam's POV- The boys and I were currently on a one week break from the Midnight Memories tour and were headed over to Louis's house to check up on him. See, Lou had recently gotten surgery done to shorten his large intestine, which was causing him problems. He had just been discharged from the hospital a few hours ago and his mum, Johannah, was taking care of him while his sisters were at sleep-away camp together in America. The boys and I just wanted to see how Lou was recovering and see if Johannah needed any help taking care of Mr. sassy pants. When we arrived, we all gave Johannah a huge hug, catching up with her for a few minutes. After a little while, the discussion move onto Lou- "How is he doing?" I asked, praying to god that he was making a fast recovery so that we didn't have to cancel any tour dates; he would hate that. "Oh, he's doing great, just resting upstairs right now" she told us, smiling, "He will have made a full recover after I give him his medicine tonight!" We all sighed in relief and headed upstairs to see our mate. The minute we saw him, we all tackled him in a group hug before asking him how he was feeling and about the surgery. After a few minutes of catching up, we were called downstairs again by a frantic Johannah. She hung up the house phone just as we entered the kitchen and looked at us pleadingly. "Boys I just got a call from work; my boss needs me in right now to handle some big issue he wont tell me about yet. Do you think that you could take care of Lou while I'm gone tonight?" she asked. "Yeah, of course we can Jo!" I replied, putting her at ease only for a minute before the anxious look took over her face again. "Shit!" she sighed, seemingly contemplating something inside her head before speaking again, "Well, would you mind giving him his medicine too? It might be a bit of an ordeal... you know how modest he is" she asked, mumbling the last part to herself. "No, of course we can! And what does his modesty have to do with this?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "Well, Lou's discharge information says to give him an enema to help clean out his large intestine and therefore recover faster. That's what I meant by his medicine, he doesn't need any pills or anything." she explained, causing a blush to surface on all of our faces, though she seemed unfazed. So here we are... discussing Louis's bowel needs with his mum... this isn't embarrassing or anything... "Um, okay no problem, its just, I don't really know how to, uh, give one" I replied, stuttering awkwardly. "Yeah well Harry why don't you take charge? I've known your mum long enough to know that she gave you regular enemas when you were growing up" She answered, smirking a bit at Harry's now increased flushed appearance. We all chuckled at that while Harry hid his face in a pillow on the couch. "Anyway, I have to go... the supplies are in the upstairs closet, you know where that is. Lou has had enemas before when he was younger but not in a while so just try to go slow. Make him hold it in for fifteen minutes and if he cant, use the plug." she rambled, leaving the four of us in her living room, utterly embarrassed at the details that she had left hanging in the air. Wow, well okay, I learned some new stuff about Lou and Harry today... "Um, well okay, Harry you know what to do I guess, just tell us what you need us to do" I broke the silence, awkwardly gesturing to the stairs. "Kay" he mumbled, blushing even more as he started up the stairs. We found all of the 'equipment' and collectively decided that he would be overall more comfortable if we did this in his bedroom so that he didn't have to move. Harry got busy filling the enema bag while the rest of us went to Louis's room.

Harry's POV- Well thanks a lot Jo for putting that embarrassing information out in the open. The others were never going to let me live this down... Walking up the stairs, I found the stuff I needed and took them to the bathroom while the others went to go explain to Louis what was going to happen. I filled the bag with hot water, not using any soap because his discharge information said specifically not to do so. I figured that the hot water will have cooled down to the perfect temperature by the time we got Louis to let us give it to him. When that was set, I hung it on the shower rod, figuring I would retrieve it later and went to join the boys. As I walked out of the bathroom I noticed the others still standing outside of his door where I had left them. "Guys, why the hell didn't you talk to him yet?" I asked, agitated. "Its embarrassing!" Niall whined as the other boys nodded in agreement. "Yeah, no shit, welcome to my life" I rolled my eyes, pushing past them and opening Louis's door. He looked up from his laptop, smiling at us as he closed it and put it on his nightstand. "Hey guys, you leaving?" he asked, figuring that that was why we all came up again. "Well, no not yet. Your mum got called into work for some emergency so we are staying the night with you" I explained, seeing his face light up. "SLUMBER PARTY!" Lou screeched, making us all chuckle a bit. "Yeah" Liam spoke up, "Slumber party, but only after you take your medicine" he said, getting an eye roll from Lou. "Yeah, yeah, where is it, please say its a swallow pill, I hate the liquid" he shuddered, evidently recalling a past experience with it. Liam just sighed before looking to me for help. I rolled my eyes- I didn't want to say it either! "Yeah, Lou, well y-you don't have to take that kind of medicine bud" I started, looking anywhere but his eyes, "We have to give you an enema". From the corner of my eye I saw him turn bright red, suddenly getting serious as his goofy grin faltered. "No way guys, I'm fine, lets just have nice night- we can watch a movie! I just saw the preview f-" I cut him off with a stern "Lou", regaining his attention. "Mate you know that we have to do this, it will help you to recover and get back to the tour on time." I reasoned, hoping that he would just go along with it and make this easier for all of us. Well that didn't happen. "No Harry, fuck off" he said, sitting up in his bed a little. Groaning, I looked to the other boys for help but they just looked away, just as lost as me. Wow, I can already tell how much fun tonight is going to be!

Liam's POV- I excused myself from the room, hearing the others still trying to coax Louis into submission, and dialed up Jo. She answered right away and I started rambling, stressing out about the whole situation. "Jo, Lou is flat out refusing us, I don't know what to do! He keeps telling us to fuck off and is upset and he-" I started, only to be cut off by her. "Li calm down buddy. Louis is old enough to know that this is for his own good, if he keeps giving you a hard time then pull him over your knee and spank him." she said calmly, as if it were a totally normal thing to spank your best friend... "Are fucking kidding me?! I can't do that! He's my friend! he's older than me!" I freaked out, the blood rushing to my ears. "hey watch the language before I spank you myself" she joked, making me want to crawl into a hole, "look Louis needs his medicine and if he doesn't cooperate, you're just going to have to make him" she told me, hanging up before I could protest some more. I walked into the room, seeing the other boys on their knees literally begging Louis to let them help him. I stood there, deflecting the other four confused looks, and gave the stubborn boy one last chance to comply. "Louis, I just talked to your mum and she gave me permission to spank you if you don't cooperate" I began, seeing everyone in the room turn red again, "this is your last chance, please just let us do what we need to so that you can get better" Louis didn't budge, mumbling a defiant "no" in reply, obviously not believing that I would actually spank him. it's not like I wanted to, but I would do what I had to to make my mate healthy again, whether he hates me afterwards or not. I was spanked by my mum my whole life, still am, so I know how to dish out an effective punishment and something told me that Louis already knew that I could. Shaking my head in disappointment, I stalked over to him, yanking him out from under his covers and pulling him over my lap. Louis immediately grew still; he obviously knew the drill by now. I glanced up, seeing the other boys looking at me with wide eyes, clearly wondering where this sudden change of attitude came from. I just sighed before confronting the older member laying across my lap. "look Lou, I'm not doing this to punish you, I'm doing this to get you to comply with us and let us help you. I will stop when you decide to let us do so." I told him, feeling the poor lad cringe on top of me. I ran a hand through his soft hair for a moment before bringing my hand down hard, spreading a sharp pain through his left cheek. I continued on for a small while, making sure to hit the boy's most sensitive areas- his sit spots and upper thighs. By now, Lo was grunting with every swat, clearly uncomfortable, just not enough to surrender just yet. "Louis, are you ready to take your enema?" I asked, punctuating each word with a firm swat. When I got no reply, I sighed and, knowing that they would have to come off soon anyway, pulled his trousers down and off. Louis groaned in frustration, making it obvious that he was embarrassed to be laying over my lap like this in only his boxers. It took about fifty more solid smacks before Louis finally gave in, temporarily forgetting his pride and modesty to aid the pain in his rear. "O-ok, Li, I'm sorry, I-I'll cooperate! just please s-stop!" He begged, throwing his hands back to block me from landing any more spanks. "Good boy, just ten more okay?" I asked, not getting a reply and not expecting one. "you" SMACK "will" SMACK "cooperate" SMACK "when" SMACK "we" SMACK "are" SMACK "trying" SMACK "to" SMACK "help" SMACK "you" SMACK! I lectured, landing the last hit hard and in the middle of his aching bum. Lou sobbed into my chest for a minute, letting me rub his back and comfort him. After a minute, he calmed down a lot, no longer crying. "Will you let us give you the enema now?" I asked gently, wearing a stern look on my face nonetheless. I got a small nod and, figuring that that was the best I was going to get, let him sit up fully and out of my arms. He blushed madly once he realized that the others were still in the room and had just witnessed the whole scene. Harry nodded to me and, with that, I pulled Lou back over my lap again for his enema. I saw Louis's eyes widen in fear as he started freaking out, "No! Li please, I learned my lesson, I'm cooperating, I'm cooperating!" "Hey, hey, hey. Calm down sweetheart, you're not getting spanked anymore, calm down" I soothed him and, after he relaxed a little, continued, "I'm just getting you ready for the enema okay, you're not in trouble babe". By the time that I had Lou calm again, Harry had returned with the bulging red enema bag, hooking it on the high, wall-mounted lamp above his bed. Louis began to struggle, getting worked up again from the humiliation of it all, and I had to hold him down firmly to keep him in place. I didn't spank him again because I knew that he couldn't help himself and, instead, called Zayn over to hold his squirming legs down. Niall came and sat to my left, opposite Zayn, and held Louis's hands, keeping him from reaching back and allowed the older boy to rest his head on his lap. When we had Louis securely down, Harry retrieved the rest of the equipment that he had left in the bathroom and put everything on his nightstand, finally ready to start.

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