Wrong Excuse Part 2

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Dedicated to @doggah4132 who is the reason this is up! We made an update deal so, missy, I expect to see a chapter from your book up! ;)

Howdy y'all! Kay.. that was weird.. But hi! How's it goin? Been a while... <- my fault. But I'm updating now, so don't throw spears at my house! Or like eggs or anything else. Anywhooo... here's part 2 to the last chapter! Zayn is about to get punished *cue 'ooh' ing* Now I'll stop bothering you with my nonsense, so here we go!

"Oh and by the way. The doctor was coming here so you wouldn't have had to leave the house anyway."


Stupid Niall, thinking he's the shit and everything...

Reluctantly, I made my way over to the stern-looking blonde, looking down as my face blossomed with a deep red color. It's embarrassing knowing that you did something wrong, especially when you get punished the way I do! Do I need to also mention the fact that Liam is still in the room? Well, he is, so, yeah, I hope you feel better about your life now or something..

When I reached his feet, only a few short strides away, I looked down, waiting for him to speak up. "Zayn..." he taunted, raising an eyebrow, "you know that I don't accept lying. Disobedience is one thing- one thing that I don't appreciate either- but it's not why I'm this upset. Please tell me why I'm angry with you Zayn." I whined a bit, not wanting to answer the question, but eventually answered. Hey, getting that thing placed in my bum was horrid, this simple, yet degrading, questioning was a welcome new development.

After a moment of silence, I answered, looking up at him timidly. "I, uh, lied..." I muttered, feeling extremely awkward standing there above him. He didn't seem to accept this, however, and commanded me to clarify, to which I, unhappily, did. Acknowledging my own damn stupidity, I answered him, replying with a defeated tone: "I lied about being sick. And used the excuse a lot.. don't worry, I feel as stupid as I sound."

Niall rolled his eyes at my comment but nodded nonetheless. "Indeed" he retorted sitting up straight, "Now shall we get started? I can tell you're just exploding with excitement." I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm, but suddenly froze, looking down to him with pleading eyes.

"Ni! Can we please go upstairs at least? Please? Everyone's down here!" I begged, seeing his stern look linger. Well that's promising. "Zayn.." Niall trailed off, moving forward into a good position, "Come on, let's just get this over with." I shook my head rapidly in reply, showing him just how not okay with this I was. I saw him pause for a minute, showing that he was unsure, so I quickly jumped on the opportunity.

"Don't you think I've been humiliated enough today?" I whined, trying I look as pathetic as possible. Believe me, it didn't take much work. Niall seemed to buy it and stood up next to me. Letting out a sigh, he agreed, patting my back gently. "Okay bud, okay. You're right. Upstairs, lets go." Ni smiled, making me sigh in relief. Well, thank goodness. With a degrading pat to my bum, I made my way upstairs, but not before receiving a light swat from Liam. I guess it was my fault; I should have taken the long way around and avoided Mr. Muscle-y.

As I passed the kitchen, I saw Harry and Lou munching away happily, (<-- hehe) clearly oblivious to my impending doom. I relaxed a small bit as I walked by, knowing that my chastisement would, at least, be private. Not that either of them would have made fun of me, but I'd just rather them not know. I'm a reserved man! Yeah, a reserved man whose about to have his ass whooped. Niall broke me out of my thoughts by telling me to speed up, an order that, when ignored, was restated another way. As I tried to make my way up the stairs, Niall began landing sharp smacks to my bum, successfully speeding me up, and warming my arse. I yelped a bit and walked faster, trying to avoid his well-aimed swats. By the time I reached the second floor, he must have landed at least ten swats that, though low in number, left a strong sting on my bottom. I cringed, knowing that that was nothing more than a mere warmup- a simple preview of what was to come.

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