What she said...

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Trevor's POV

Since Jordan's torment about me and Brittany, things haven't changed much.

We are now in Adelaide. Me and the cast have been out and about, viewing what this beautiful place has to offer.

We're now preparing for tonight's show. I can't wait to get out on that stage and kill it! I stroll around the dressing room as the boys sit on the sofa that's placed in the right corner. All the girls are probably still getting ready. They take quite a while longer than us boys. That's normally why they go off to get ready before us.

"Yo, who's taking the q&a section tonight?" I ask as I turn my attention to Lamar, Myles, Isaac, Isaiah and Shane.

"You bro." Isaac speaks up without taking his eyes off his phone.

"Sweet." I mumble. I'm actually glad it's my turn to host the q&a section of the show. It means I get to interact with the fans a little bit more.

"Have you guys seen this latest picture of Brittany?" Isaac asks. He holds up his phone showing it to all of us. It's a photo of Britt in a cute blue jumper. She's hiding behind it slightly. She looks gorg- uh, I mean great. She looks great. I read the caption quickly 'It's getting colder and I like it 🐳'.

"I kinda wish it was cooler over here. It's scorching." Lamar sighs.

"Don't you be complaining. Your only here because Britt couldn't make it." Isaiah laughs. Me and the boys join in. I love how we can joke around with each other and yet none of us take offence to it. We're all quite chill and mix really well.

As we all continue to mess around, we hear someone knock on the door. A staff member walks in to let us know we've got 20 minutes till the show begins.

This is the point where we get really hyped. Everyone's adrenaline begins to race. Me and the boys begin to double check everything. Hair, costumes, shoes...

Performing to my fans gives me such a rush. My adrenaline begins to kick in and its amazing! Being able to dance for so many people is truly honourable. I have a feeling tonight's show it going to be amazing!

-------- An hour later --------

I stride between the audience members, answering some of their questions. It's got to the part of the show where a lot of the audience get their chance to ask me and the rest of the cast some questions. We normally get a lot of the same ones, 'How old were you when you started dancing' or 'What was your inspiration to start dancing.' Though I simply love talking to the fans so I never mind.

I look around the arena to see a sweet girl who was nearly jumping out her seat.

I smiled as I approached her. She looks absolutely bursting to ask her question. She had her hand up as high as she could, a wide grin spread across her face. I stood beside her and asked for her name.


"Ok Madison, how old are you?" I query. She looks up at me, smiling.

"I'm thirteen."

"Thirteen, ok who's your question for today?" I asked politely.

"It's for you."

"For me? Ok, what's your question?" I chuckled, excited to hear what she had to say.

"Do you have a crush on Brittany?"

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I would love to know your thoughts! 💜

Also, I'm sorry if some if the places and features aren't completely correct. I'm not sure exactly how the show works so I made it up a little.

Holly xx 😘

"Just a little crush." (TRITTANY) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now