Back to reality...

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Brittany's POV

"Trev, calm down. It's ok." I tell him as we enter our hotel suite. His fists are still clenched and his cheeks are red with anger. His chest is pulsating rapidly, and his hair messy from him running his hand through it so much.

"He ruined it Britt. I wanted to do something special for you and he flipping ruined it." Trevor sighs as he sits down on the sofa. His head in his hands as he breathes heavily. It's like someone pulled my heart out my chest. Seeing him so sad is heartbreaking. All I ever want Trevor to be is happy, he deserves to be. I can't process what's just happened. Everything was perfect, only until he turned up. It's gotten to the point where I'm sickened not only by the thought of his name but the pronunciation too.

"I can't thank you enough for setting that all up for me babe. It was amazing. And I'll admit that I'm a little pissed he ruined it but I've still got you by my side. That's all I really care about." I smile. Trevor looks up at me. This is the first time I've ever seen him so defeated. It's like he's mad at himself. He had made him like this. He has hurt my man.

"I'm sorry for hitting him. I can't imagine how you must have been feeling. I was just so angry. I couldn't believe his confidence, his sarcasm either."

"Please don't beat yourself up, honestly I would of liked it if you had beaten him up a little bit more." I giggled. Trevor laughed with me. "It was super hot by the way." Trevor's eyes meet mine, he's starting to cheer up a little. I hate seeing him upset. "I love you."

"I love you too." He grins. "How on earth did I ever get a girl like you?"

"I have no idea." I tease. Trev pokes me in the ribs, making me squeal hysterically. It's as if someone hears us making so much noise as at that moment, we hear a knock on the door. Me and Trevor answer it together. It happens to be Trev's mum. She warns us we better collect all our bags as a taxi to take us to the airport will arrive soon. We gather all our bags, chargers and any products that have been left around the suite. Once we're sure we have got everything, me and Trevor make our way down to reception. We return our room key and thank them for our stay. That's when I see his family sitting on the steps in front of the hotel. We join them, sitting a few steps behind.

"The taxi should be here in 10 minutes." Joanne informs us. Me and Trev nod before going back to our previous conversation. We were discussing what we've missed the most about Toronto. Personally, I've missed my own bed the most. I don't know what it is, but there's just some sort of comfort you receive when being in your own bed. Trevor said he's missed his boys. It's understandable though. He lives with Lamar meaning there's rarely a day when they don't see each other. I bet they got used to one another when on tour as well. Trevor and Isaac are also really close. So I definitely understand why he's missed them.

Our conversation dies down a little as Trevor's dad speaks up. "Son, isn't that the guy you worked with?"

Mine and Trevor's head snaps around to see Giuseppe walking past on the opposite side of the road. He's obviously staying at the hotel down the road.

"Uh yeah, it is." Trev stutters.

Only Nathan and Steven are aware of the situation involving Giuseppe. Although no one knows about the scene earlier at the beach.

Everyone's gaze is on Giuseppe, that's when he notices us. The smug little shit raises his hand and gives us a wave. Everyone except me, Trevor, Steven and Nathan wave back. I glare at him, not quite believing how obnoxious he is. However, my stare is broken as I feel Trevor's hand cup my cheek. He pulls me into him, connecting our lips. I moan slightly from the shock though kiss back a little. I slowly pull away after 5 seconds or so, looking back at Giuseppe. His smirk has faded and now he's looking rather disappointed.

"Your mine." Trevor mumbles. I grin knowing he's right. Giuseppe takes one last look over at us, receiving the middle finger from Nathan. Luckily they're sat just in front of us meaning only me and Trevor saw. I can't help but laugh as Giuseppe looks shocked at Nathan's gesture, before disappearing down the road.

"Yeah mate, keep walking." Steven mutters. Trevor reaches forward and hits both his brothers on the shoulder in a way which signifies he's thankful for their actions. It's nice to see the three of them stick up for each other.

It takes a few minutes of waiting until the taxi arrives. Well two of them. Me, Trevor, Steven and Justine are in one taxi while the others are in the second. I haven't had much of a chance to talk to Justine as much as I wanted to this trip although we did go and get our nails done at one point. She's such a sweet person and honestly, I don't know how she puts up with her three younger brothers.

"Bye Hawaii!" Steven shouts outside the window of the taxi. We all chuckle slightly.

"Ugh, thank god we're going home and I don't have to be around you any longer." Justine jokes. Steven just glares at her.

Me and Trevor laugh as I gaze out the window. I watch Hawaii pass by. The sun beaming down on me, the sound of laughter flows into my ears. The smell of ice cream reaching my nose. I'm really going to miss this. Although I'm kind of excited to go home.

Back to reality.

Hi you amazing people! I hope this chapter was interesting enough for you and you liked it

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Hi you amazing people! I hope this chapter was interesting enough for you and you liked it.

Also if you have any suggestions about future books I could write, please let me know 💜

Have an amazing ending to your weekend and I'll either update tomorrow or the day after xx

Love you all so much,

Holly 😘❤

"Just a little crush." (TRITTANY) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now