pain in my ass (part one)

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A/N: hello all my lovelies I am terribly sorry for not updating like I should ive been having the worst family problems and needed time to collect myself to get better you guys would not believe all the shit I been through but i guess I'm back and the demands for updates is in high demands sooo here you go!

oh also if your wondering yes Lacey is a beautiful white girl

Amaya is mixed...lacey and Amaya are sisters they share the same dad different moms just to clear that up!

Amaya (pov)

Mondays I don't get why people complain about it like bitch what did you think came after Sunday? mini Sunday, the only thing I hate about Mondays is hearing your ass complain about how its Monday... like damn Monday is no worst that any other day.

Now I normally I don't complain about "Mondays" because thats the day where I have "me" day a whole day to myself to do whatever I please. though on this particular Monday as I sit in the art room of my cozy home, I cant have that peace to unwind and paint my hearts desire or that day to myself because of the events that took place this weekend.

no instead of emptying my mind and having a piece of work in front of me, my mind is filled with HIM, brushes are clean as a whistle and my canvas is cleaner that a babies bottom.

(cell rings-They love the way I walk 'Cause I walk with a vengeance And they listen to me when I talk 'Cause I ain't pretending It took a while, now I understand- Beyoncé grown woman)

I get up to go get my galaxy s4 from out of my room and see that its my sister calling me, idk why since im still mad at her and told her not to call ugh. I guess ill answer this time " hello, Lacey Deyanni Taylor how can I be of service to you?"

my sister hate when I use her full name but that the only way she know when im angry " wow full name bases maya really? I apologized like over a thousand times already, im really sorry sis don't be mad at me anymore pleeaassseee anyway while im begging can you open you door?"

I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it like she could see me and said more to myself than her "my door" not even two seconds after that there was a knock at the front door.

" oh hell no Lacey I hope you don't think im going to let you in you may be family but you are not forgiven therefore you are not welcomed over!" I hear the click of a lock being turned and ran for the front tossing my phone of the couch on the way.

I seen her pale hand on the knob as she was pushing the door open I went and closed it right back and the battle of the door began "let me in Amaya please I really need to talk to you"

she stopped pushing on the door and I could tell she slid down and sat down on the ground. I sighed and did the same thing we sat there for about fifteen minutes in our own thought

" ok, ok ill let you in get off the floor" I told her Lala squealed and got up when I opened the door she tackled me to the ground and her damn honey brown hair fell in my face" oomph get you fat lard off of me Lala your heavy!" she gave me the driest look in the world

" fat? girl please these are what you call womanly curves" as she continued to sit on me " you should know about it aha" we got up off the floor and went to sit on the couch so we could talk " ok so what's up/" Lala turned to me "I should be asking you that I need the info about what happened Saturday"

" I knew you were coming over here for that didn't I already tell you Sunday I didn't want to talk about it" she looked at me with those big blue eyes and begged like no other " pleeeeaassee you were sleeping and once I picked up the package from you I left to punish Greg for being an ass"

" fine ill let you know get ready to hear about the pain in my ass Saturday night " I got up to pour us some wine I felt like I was going to need it to get through the story

(Saturday night)

Amaya pov

"- live with her and when she sleeps I swear it looks like she's posing for play boy" I hear Laceys voice say [hold up playboy? wtf is she blabbing about posing? the only time we talk about that is.. Oh shit did I fall asleep in the club omg this is no good! im about to cuss- wait why am I still sleep though let me wake the fuck up]

I started to stir and wake up but before I could say my sisters name she said bye and left " damnit I swear im going to kill her" when I tried to sit up I remember that I was cuffed and couldn't move I also did realize that I had company aka the douche i wonder if my mouth and brain were on the same page again?

" oh great the puppy is still here...what? you came to yap at me some more and nip at my ankles" someone shoot me please I guess they aren't on the same page that's totally not what I wanted to say omg where did that come from and from the look on his face it was the wrong words to ever cross my lips. I saw him physically shake and he stood up from the side of the couch " I-I am so sor-"

Dragons head snap to my face as I was apologizing but it was his cold stare that cut me off I swear the temperature in the room dropped no more like catapulted in to the negatives when he looked at me, I froze on spot his blue eyes looked like a cold fire the flame was there but it wasn't keeping anything warm " No I have had it with the disrespect from my mate" his voice is as cool and cold as his eyes

" you will say no more for the rest of the night unless told other wise , you will be punished for the blatant disrespect you have shown and my God you will learn to control your mouth" I knew at the is point I was in trouble and I shouldn't open my mouth anymore and would you believe it I didn't he came over and un locked the cuffs from my wrist and rubbed the soreness away a sweet gesture something I didn't expect after I pissed him off.

once he un-cuffed me I sat there silently at this point I had the feeling of just wanting the submit to him just to follow his command, I didn't understand why he came and stood in front of me taking my hands, I looked up at him and seen his eyes were still the same but had a more gentle tone behind it "come with me, we need no distractions, I want some alone time with you Amaya" I nodded my head and he turned to walk away "follow me beautiful many pleasures await you"


TADDDDDAAAAAAAAAA hey honeys ok so big cliff hanger there huh I know you guys are going to get me for that lol but WAIT THATS ONLY PART ONE so don't cry part two its coming aha


my fans are the coolest but any was please please please!!!

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