[Cuddles - 707 x MC]

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// No AU - 707 route
   You had just stepped out of your hot bath, feeling the cold air of your apartment tingle your skin.
   It was a hard day at work today, being a [job] consisted of many daily (often rude) annoyances, so you decided that the best medicine was a nice warm bath and a good night's sleep.
   As you dressed in your comfiest pajamas and walked into your shared room, you find that Seven has already sunk under his sheets, snoozing away. Many people say that after a year of being together that you two would sleep in the same bed. Every time someone brought it up though, Seven would just laugh with a slight, 'yeah'.
   You stand between your beds, conflicted as you so badly wanted to slowly crawl under his arm and fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. Your train of thought was broken as he stirred and you quickly shut off the lights and hop into your own bed.
   Bringing your blanket up to your chin, you feel your feet slide out from underneath the blanket and hit the cool air. Did Luciel not want to sleep in the same bed as you? Was there something you did that one and only night you slept together before you found Saeran?
   You sigh and Luciel jolts awake in his bed. As he turns his head to check on you, you quickly shut your eyes as to appear to be asleep. You open your eyelids in just the slightest and watch his expression.
   He seemed to think for a moment, a very long moment, and finally decided on something. Swinging his legs off his bed, he walks over to your bed. With your eyes fully closed now, you are full-on pretend sleeping.
   You felt a a chill as he takes your blanket off and hooks an arm around your neck and the under around your knees. He carries you over to his bed and places you down gently, getting in along with you.
   You hear his sigh of content as he pulls the blankets up over the both of you and pulls you closer. So close that he drifts back off to sleep with an arm resting over your waist and his other under your neck and cradling the back of your head so that he can rest his chin atop your head.
   So this is the other side of Saeyoung that only you and Saeran know. The Saeyoung that isn't constantly thinking of ways to make everyone else laugh or  attempting to steal a cat or something of the other. No, this was the Saeyoung that confessed to you that night. The Saeyoung that asked for your permission to be selfish to you, doing exactly that.
   It was the moments like these in which you felt his sincerity and love the most. It was in these moments that you realized how young he still acts. Yes, these very moments, were the ones that you told yourself that you never wanted to let go.
   You felt your eyes slowly blink shut and as you snuggle closer to him, the both of you fell asleep with subconscious smiles, finding rest in each other's arms.


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