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Dashrath eyes filled with tears and his heart with happiness on seeing his four sons together, and to be grown up men. The four of them looked like the four hands of the gods. When all of them walked towards him and Kraanti, he smiled like he had never before. Kraanti was already crying on seeing the love and compassion in the brothers. Even though she was not a biological mother to Lakshman and Ram, they never had hard feeling against her and now she could see love for her in their eyes only. All of them touched Dashrath's feet and took his blessings. They stood up, all taller than Dashrath and hugged him. Dashrath regained his lost power. The young men moved towards their mother who welcomed each of them with the traditional rituals. They took her blessings. Kraanti touched Ram on his shoulder and said,"Ram, come inside. We have prepared something special for you." All of them walked in.

The entire house was made up of white marble, with intricate designs on the walls and precious stones studded in them. Ofcourse, what else could be expected from the house of MD of Ishvaku Group of Companies, the biggest minerals exporter in the country! Not just exporting, but they handled businesses involving everything from obtaining the minerals to selling them in the market. There was a huge fountain in the middle, leading to grand stairs on both the sides. The house was in the form of a circle, with the four brothers' rooms on the top right. How they missed their native home! And today, the whole house was decorated. It was a special day. The four brothers were led to the grand table in the middle, on which was placed a huge three layered cake. Everyone yelled out," Happy Birthday Ram! " Ram smiled and this time let a tear of happiness escape his eye. Today he was turning 27, and the responsibilities of his family would now come on him. He cut the cake and everyone wished him again. He said," Thank you everyone. When the four of went to Switzerland last week to get the iron deal done, Dad and Maa were very upset. They thought that I would not be able to be here for my birthday. Even Dad fell sick thinking about this. But thanks to my dearest brothers, the deal was struck within no time, and we are here today! but the idea of informing Dad and Maa this morning was Lakshmans idea! " Everyone shared a hearty laugh on this. Ram thought to himself,"How nice it is when the whole family is together. If I ever find someone for myself, she has to love her family. Only then she will understand me."


Janak had dinner with his family everyday. It was a rule, that however busy anyone may be, if he/she is in the city, they have to be present at dinner with the family, for it was these moments that bonded people together. Everyone was talking about their day, while Siya remained silent. Janak noticed this and asked," Siya, why are you so quiet today? Are you not well?" Siya smiled. "No father, I'm alright. Its just that, a question has been bugging me again." Maanvi laughed and said," Uncle, again Siya di has a question. Guys, lets go from here or else we'll be sitting here till 12 in the morning listening to this Father- Daughters over the top talks!" Siya hit her in the arm. Janak smiled. "What question do you have, Siya? " Siya asked,"Father, why had Vishwesh Uncle come to our house that day, and why was he so worried?" Janak's face lost its smile. He recalled the incident of that day-

Janak was telling his secretary his plans at the Cambridge. His flights had been booked, and he was leaving that afternoon. It was 9 in the morning, and the sisters were getting ready to go the University. Suddenly, the man servant came up to him and said that someone wanted to meet him, urgently. Janak checked himself in the mirror and walked towards the living room. He saw the back side of the man, but understood who he was. He yelled out,"Vishwesh Bhaiyya! After such a long time!" The two men, the other Senior to Janak hugged like two brothers separated at birth. Both had tears in eyes. "A long time, yes. janak, I have something to tell you." They sat on the sofa. Vishwesh Rajrshi began,"Janak, i know you have a lecture to attend to. Thats why whatever I am going to tell you, don't interrupt and just listen." Janak nodded. "Janak, being the father to 2 girls you very well know your responsibilities. The age has come for Siya to get married. The other day, Chandra, Siyas Aunt came up to me and said that until and unless Siya gets married she won't be able to get Maanvi married, and that she was not liking the fact o delaying their marriage. The time has come Janak. Even the gods are saying so. All of the next month is lucky for marriage. But listen. Siya will not just get married. You know she is special. She has the power to win people. You have seen how she is managing the university now a days right? When she was born, the University was ranked No.1 in the world and has been since then, something which never happened before for your family. She is exceptional. So, for her marriage, i want you to do this; I want you to throw a party in honour of your University completing 180 years of its existence. Invite people from all over India. Everyone who has helped you in any way. And then, introduce Siya to everyone. Ask her whom she liked. That way, let her choose her man. What will happen in the party is destiny. Leave the rest to me."

janak looked at Siya and smiled. He said,"Nothing. he just gave me a good idea for a party." 

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