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"I just hope no one asks any more questions now; Im done answering. As much as I want to forget everything that happened, it seems like the world will not let me."

Siya chuckled checking the beautiful falls of her hair and collar, ready for the party the entire city seemed to have turned its eyes to. A fringe of hurt was evident in her voice, but Ram knew she was a woman like no other, who would stand in the face of any adversity before she let gloom touch her again.

He walked up behind her, checking both himself and Siya in the mirror as he smiled.

"You didnt wear that orange suit Mila was asking you to?"

"Well, I did try to get it. She asked so sweetly, I couldnt put her down. But maybe even God is on my side, that suit is not available in my size." The two of them laughed at Urmilas innocent ways.

Siya turned around, silently asking him if he was ready to go down before the guests started pouring in.

Ram slowly took her hand in his and ran his thumb over her studded fingers.

"I hope you're not wearing yourself out, Siya. Even if you dont show it, I know you need a break from all this. I wish I could take you somewhere but.."

"No Ram, not at all. In fact, I will be the happiest and healthiest if I stay here, with all of you and keep working. Its just a matter of a few days, and then all the hype will die down and people will find something new to be interested about."

Ram nodded as he clasped his hand in hers as the two stepped down, being the perfect hosts anyone could wish for.


"So nice to see you Mr. Mehta," Lakshman smiled talking to one of their oldest delegates.

"Same here, Lakshman beta. Ram has taken a very good desicion, I am so happy for all of you. What a beautiful party you have arranged!"

"Thank you so much Sir, please make yourself comfortable."

Lakshman walked over, looking around at the joyful faces and people gathered in hounds around the best of delicacies, the beautiful paintings and the swoony music.

He walked over to a group of people gathered around the dining hall, as Urmila talked with them in pure grace.

"Yes, true, we thought we should have our parents on both sides present today. After all, all that you see is ofcourse in a way their giving. We always strive to make them proud in a way."

The guests nodded and chided in agreement as they moved around enjoying all that was to be offered.

"Hello, Miss, do you mind introducing yourself?"

Mila glared at Lakshman, tinges of red appearing on their own accord as he walked over and pulled her to one side.

"Lakshman, what are you doing! I have to attend to all the guests... "

"You know my name, Miss? Guess I am pretty famous then."

She quickly realised he would not break his childish character unless he was met with her response. She smiled, recalling their time at their first meeting in Agartala. How theyd run around and...

THE STORY OF LIFE | A 21ST CENTURY RAMAYANAWhere stories live. Discover now