when the doorbell rings and your home alone

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When your home alone and the doorbell rings

Aries: puts a knife under sleeve and goes to door

Taurus: army crawls under something

Gemini: acts like a spy anf crawls over furniture and dive rolls around corners

Cancer: turns off all the lights and acts like their not home

Leo:covers themselfs with a blanket and acts like their not alive

Virgo: answers like a normal person but is terrified on the inside

Libra: sits in complete shock and doesnt react fast enough to actually answer the door

Scorpio: acts like a spy and looks at them threw the window

Sagittarius: sits completly still and trys to melt into the couch

Capricorn: answers the door like its not a big deal

Aquarius: squeals and runs to their room and hides

Pises: Hello darkness my old friend

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