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Aries: sighs loudly to scare off people from talking to them

Taurus: eats a poptart and glares at everyone

Gemini: THISISMY12CUPIFCOFFEE -sips coffee- - passed out-

Cancer: -puts sun glasses on- -leans head back- -just fall's asleep-

Leo: sleeping because they don't care

Virgo: -cleans house to stay awake.... And passed out from the fumes-

Libra: -sobs- I just wanna take a nap -lays head down- this is a good spot

Scorpio: only thinking of coffee and murder

Sagittarius: goes on a five hour rant that only they understand

Capricorn: is normal cause they're always tired

Aquarius: mentions how tired they are every 5 minutes

Pises: is normal as well and laughs at the other signs

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