as essential school supplise

10 2 1

Aries: large notebooks to also dem hoes

Taurus: fuckboy repellent

Gemini: phone + charger

Cancer: the 64 pack of crayons with that built in sharpener those basic 12 pack bitches wanna be you

Leo: a box of kleenex to wipe away your tears youll need it

Virgo: pain reliever for those killer headaches you get randomly

Libra: colorful pens not that basic black and blue shit

Scorpio: a shopping cart full of gum

Sagittarius: a water bottle filled with vodka

Capricorn: scissors so you can cut dem bitches

Aquarius: earbuds cant go without them

Pises: a pillow for naptime

Fitting given my school starts in a week or two and many of you are already there

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