Shitty Clown Suiter

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Okay guys so I'm literally freaked out rn at the VERY SECOND cuz I saw a fucking clown right by my mailbox and it's just standing there. If I move, he/she will see me and I'm just so fucking scared wut do I fucking do???!!!

Nvm he went away. Or she. I couldn't really tell.


Wow now I feel stupid. Just walk into school tomorrow "HEY GUYS! YESTERDAY I SAW A CLOWN HAR HAR!" But srsly it's gone so I should be able to sleep. Hopefully. Probably not but hopefully. Pray for me plis 😰😩😥

Wait I recognized the costume...
I think it was from the Walmart right next to my house? It was in terrible shape, just like when I saw it at Walmart. Does that mean anything? I hope not. Also I saw where the clown went. I think he saw me and he just creepily walked down this dim pathway conveniently placed RIGHT BY ME FUCKING HOUSE. (Please don't try to hunt me down and fucking kill me lol)

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