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Character info (only some):

Autumn Rachel James- The youngest of them all and the kindest. She's practically their mother in miniature form! She has red hair and red eyes, their hair reaches her heels and is normally in pigtails.

Mary Elise Dunnel- Somewhere in the middle age wise but night she is as tall as the boys (5"9)! She is kind and sweet but also has a bad temper. She goes by Elise and not Mary after her mother fought through cancer, her mothers name was Elise. She has long blond hair down to her waist and wears it in all different styles. She also has green eyes

Ashton Blake Brown- the oldest and most caring out of all of them. He takes care of them all but mainly the younger kids. He is 6"3 and is only 19 years old he has light brown hair and hazel eyes. He is serious most of the time because his father was in the army and let's just say he brought it home with him.

Kellen Victor Quinn- Near Ashton's age  he's turning 19 on November 1 and he is the clown of the group and mind you extremely forgetful. He has blue hair and crystal blue eyes he is adored by Autumn and together there is always something breaking. He is very loyal and protective of his friends, more like his family taken he was an orphan and all he has are these people so he does whatever he can to protect them.

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